What are Off Limits?
Off Limits is a great tool to ensure that all users are given a warning message or an alert when they first enter a Client and/or Contact record. Examples of this are: Contractual Obligation, Current Client and Placed by Us.
The choices listed will be decided by your project team before you go live with Mercury and can be added to at any time by your System Administrator.
How to update the Client record
1. Clients > Client record > Administration tab > Off Limits
2. Select the Off Limit Reason. If required, add Off Limits Expiry Date if and Off Limits Description information too, then Save the record.
3. The Off Limits reason will then appear in a banner at the top of the record:
Cascading Off Limits reasons
Cascading to Client Contacts
For Client contacts, Mercury is designed to only cascade the banner. Note how the Off Limits fields and contact type toggles (e.g. Sales Email (client), Do Not SMS) for Chris Donovan (an example Client Contact for Arrow Recruitment in the example above) all remain blank.
Cascading to Candidate contacts
In contrast to Client Contacts, when an Off Limits is cascaded down to a Candidate, this also updates the Off Limits (Candidate) field with the same reason.
Note there are two Off Limits banners - in this example the Candidate is off limits since the Client is off limits.
Manually adding Off Limits to Contact records
On the Further Information tab for Contact records (Clients and Candidates), the Off Limits and Sales Email fields can be updated manually if required.