
The Related tab is in all key records. It displays all of the different records that are Related to the record you are working in.

Let's look at an example.

If in a Vacancy, you have compiled a Shortlist, you may want to run through the list, call each person, update their progress and add notes.

You would want to click Related and then click Shortlist to quickly call candidates from the Candidate tab, that are on the Shortlist of the Vacancy. 


You can then review the first Shortlist. From here you can progress the candidate, add feedback or notes, reject them, etc. Then select the next Shortlist from the menu and repeat. It is such a quick way to access and surf through a list.

The use of the Related tab here gives you quick access to Related records. Otherwise you would need to go to the Shortlist menu and filter by the Vacancy you are working on.

The Placement records can also be accessed, via the Related tab:


This is very useful when you first Accept the Offer and want navigate to the Placement record, to Validate and Finalise.

This is just an example of the uses in one of the key records in Mercury.

Now that you know how Related can be beneficial, take a look each time you are in a new record and see what options are within the menu. 

Common Related options

Documents - in the main records the Related tab contains the option to upload Documents

Fees - any associated Fees or Costs can be applied and linked to several of the record types

Tags - many of the key records in the system can have Tags added to them for reporting and searching purposes

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