
Applicant Views

Within the Applicants menu when accessing a record, there is now a new version of the Applicant form which can be utilised in various ways. As a result, this provides the information required for Consultants to make key decisions without having to leave the Applicant record:

This new form contains features that can still be individually accessed via other menus, e.g. Hot Lists, via the Hot Lists option on the main sitemap.

Any additions and updates made outside of the Applicant form will eventually update, therefore ensuring a strong data loop of being able to keep track of an Applicant's progress from multiple channels.

More information

There is an Applicants focus in the main sitemap on the left side of the homepage:

Click on that Applicants focus. You will then see a standard view called My Active Applicants.

This will show a list of all the Applicants who have applied to your adverts sent via Mercury, that are against any active Vacancies that you are working on.

From here, you can use the filters to view all Candidates linked to a particular role or Client or by any other filters required.

NOTE: All Applicants will also be listed against the Vacancy they have applied for. Click into the Applicants tab on the Vacancy to view them.

One more tip...all roles that a Candidate has applied for will also be listed on their record, under the As a Candidate tab: