
Flagged Candidates

When launching Mercury Legacy Search from a Vacancy, you have the option to flag suitable Candidates so that you can quickly look down the list of Candidates returned to see who is and isn't suitable:

Green triangle = Suitable

Yellow pause = Maybe Suitable

Red square = Unsuitable

Blue circle = Custom - this means you can use this Blue Circle to mark Candidates but the system won't do anything with them.

There are also 4 additional custom icons - black suit symbols - whose meaning you can define yourself if you prefer a custom flag.


Adding Candidates to Shortlists

When Mercury Legacy Search is launched from a Vacancy, flagging a Candidate with the green triangle will add that Candidate to the Shortlist for that Vacancy.

NOTE: Shortlisting a Candidate in Mercury Legacy Search via the green triangle is only available when you launch Mercury Legacy Search from within a specific Vacancy.

Reviewing your Search results

Once you have flagged your Candidates, you can easily scroll down your Search results and quickly see how many people you have that are Suitable. In the instance of a Saved Search, you can also quickly see Candidates who aren't suitable to prevent you from having to load their CV and determine their suitability again - this prevents you from creating unnecessary work for yourself.

If you want to see where your Candidates are located, select the Map icon and you will see the Candidate pins have changed colour to represent their flag status.