When CVs are parsed through DaXtra, Skills will be parsed through from the CV into the Contact record. We have 900 skills in our list as a default. As part of your setup, your project team will decide whether they want to keep this pre-set list. In addition, the number of your own skills that we can create and add to the list, will depend on your contract with us and your business preference.
Important Update about Skills!
Skills are a legacy feature of Mercury that we don't recommend users implement anymore.
Currently, when Mercury parses a CV, part of what that parse does is look at the CV, and decide which of those skills apply to a User. We are trying to move away from 'Skills' as they take up significant storage space and they are out of date as soon as they're in the system. ‘Skills’ are not included in the new forms used in Clients, Candidates, Vacancies, etc., or Search (which now uses ‘Keywords’ instead). Save on costs and storage space; talk to your CSMs to remove Skills from your system.
DaXtra will allocate a score to to each skill, which determines the Proficiency.
The skills Proficiency/Level is based on an algorithm built by DaXtra out of a score of 1 to 100. The algorithm is based on number of key words but also more intelligent data, such as how recently does it appear in the CV.
The Proficiency can then be used when searching for people on the internal candidate search.
Proficiency Scoring
Note that the proficiency derives from the level, as follows: 0-20: blank; 21-40: 'basic'; 41-60: 'working'; 61-80: 'good'; 81-100: 'excellent'.
Mercury Legacy Search
Parsed skills can then be used in Mercury Legacy Search. You can search for candidates with specific skills and by how the skills were scored. The icon for skills is a yellow star.
There are two ways to search by skills in the Mercury Legacy Search.
1. In your search criteria, type in the skill from the toolbar and select it:
2. Once you have searched on your main criteria using the toolbar and narrowed down to a couple of hundred results, open the Refinements on the left and open the Skills folder. The skills are ordered in numerical order from highest to lowest. Select any skills required :
Notice at the bottom it defaults to AND logic, like most search functions. If you wish for the logic to be OR or NOT, just change the group selected. Click 'Add' and then 'Confirm'.
Searching by Skill Proficiency
As you can see below, not only can you search for candidates with that particular skill, but you can specify the level of proficiency that candidate has. This is great for drilling down numbers. NOTE: It will default to 'Any'.