Retainer Fees or Staged Fees are fees that apply to Permanent vacancies only, and are usually split into three different fees, all with their own due dates: Retained Services, Candidate Shortlist, and Placement. 
Vacancies > Vacancy record > Basic Info tab > Financials section
1. In the Fee Based On field, update the value to Staged.
2. Selected the Fee % Based On value from the drop-down menu.
3. Scroll down to the Fees section, click (kebab menu) > +New Fee

4. Complete all required fields marked with a red asterisk (*) for each required fee. Click Save, then return to the Vacancy record to create any other fees (in this example, three separate new fees will be created: Retained Services, Candidate Shortlist, and Placement).

5. To calculate total fees, click the Calculator icon, then click the Recalculate button that then appears. 
6. Once the fee has been recalculated, click Save.