

Spec Send is a Mercury feature that allows a Consultant to send a single email regarding a Candidate Contact to multiple Client Contacts simultaneously. This article demonstrates the functionality of Spec Sending and how to construct it.


To begin constructing your Spec Send, navigate to the the Contacts entity > Active Candidate Contacts  > Select a Candidate > @Email > About Candidate > On the Email Editor > select Spec Send > regarding Candidate > Send



Sending Specs directly to a Client Contact can be done directly from the Contact Record.

Click Contacts > find the Client Contact > click Related > click Spec Sends (Client Contact)


Click + New Spec Send


Complete the fields as required by your organisation. Click Save and Close.



You'll see the Spec Send has saved in the Contact record. You can access it again directly from Spec Sends in the main menu panel on the left:



Click Spec Sends > Change the view to My Active Spec Sends