

This article explains how to create a bolt-on security role for Mercury users who need to make use of Microsoft Word templates within the Mercury CRM.

NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.



Home > Settings > Advanced Settings > Settings > System > Security > Security Roles


1. Log into Mercury as a System Administrator.

2. Go to Advanced Settings:

3. Click on the little down-arrow next to Settings:

4. Then click on Security under the System heading:

5. Click on Security Roles:

6. A new page will appear. Click New to create a new bolt-on role:



7. When naming your bolt-on role, include your initials for easy identification - e.g. [RJ] - Adding Word template.

8. Go to the Business Management tab, click Document Template and give the appropriate level of access required for the users:


9. Now test the new bolt-on role as a user within the Mercury CRM. Go to a Placement, click the ellipsis and select Word Templates: