

It is possible to have an approval process set up on new Projects created within Mercury.
It is now possible to set up approval steps for all new Projects created within Mercury. This is a great feature for when a manager or project lead needs to check and approve new Project.
NOTE: This will need to be configured at implementation stage. Please speak to your Customer Success Manager if this set up is required.


Home > Vacancy > click into the Project record (or create a new Project) > select Request Approval from top ribbon > the Approval Status field will be updated from New to Pending Approval


As described above, this feature will only be within Mercury if it has been requested and configured at implementation stage. It can be configured at any later date within Mercury. Please speak to your CSM to set this up.
NOTE: There are two main ways the approval can be set up. The approval can either be created automatically on creation of a new Project, or we can add a button named Request Approval into the top ribbon within the vacancy. The latter option would allow the user to update any additional information on the record, before choosing to manually request the approval.
The example we are showing below is based on the set up with the button to manually request the approval.
To request approval on a new Project, navigate to the Project record. The Approval status will be set to New:
Update any information that is required for the approver to check. Once completed, select the Request Approval button on the top ribbon:
The approval record will also be created and appear on the Projects Timeline:
Approvals can either be managed via a View or a dashboard or a notification can be created to trigger an email or alert to be sent to the approver.
The approver can access the approval either from the Open Record icon on the Timeline entry or they can double click into the row, if the approval is being accessed by a View (the below View can be used, or simply use the My Activities View:
From the Timeline:
Once opened, the record will contain an Approve and Reject icon in the top ribbon:

Selecting Approve

This is will deactivate the approval record. The Approval status will change to Approved:

Selecting Rejected

The will deactivate the approval record. The Approval status will change to Rejected:

Managing Rejections

When rejecting an approval, it is important to have an easy and effective process to let the consultant know what needs amending. We recommend creating a task on the vacancy and changing the Owner to the consultant. Add the notes in the Description field and you could even create a Purpose to report on the number of rejections a consultant is receiving. This would be great for training purposes and improving the process:

The task will be listed in the consultants activities, dashboard and Outlook.