
There are four different ways to add new candidates into Mercury.


What is daXtra?

daXtra is a CV parsing tool. It will read your CV, check for duplicates and either create the record or update an existing record by updating the displayed CV to the new one and updating any key data on the record.

How do I use it?

You will be given an email address and all you need to do is forward your candidate's CV/document. The format will be:

Rules and conditions
The document must contain the candidate's first name, last name and at least one piece of contact data, such as personal email, mobile or home number. If there is not the minimum required data, the candidate will not be created in Mercury. A System Administrator will need to log into daXtra Capture and check and manage the CV. Only one document can be attached to your email when forwarding it to daXtra.

How long does it take for my candidate to appear in Mercury?

On average, 3-5 minutes. The maximum time should be around 15 minutes.

Manual Creation

How do I manually create a candidate?

There are two options. Either go to the Contact menu and click on the +New button at the top of the ribbon, or use the Quick Create, which you can find by clicking on the plus button on the top right of your system.

Create +New from Contact menu:

Image Placeholder

Use the Quick Create option from the plus (+) icon and select Contact:

Image Placeholder


LinkedIn Recruiter Integration

How do I add candidates from Recruiter?

At least one person within your business must have a full LinkedIn Recruiter or Sales Navigator licence to be able to use the integration, which means then everyone can use at least part of the integration. Only those with the full licence can export candidates from Recruiter to Mercury.

Via your Job Boards

How does this work?

There are two ways that candidates can be extracted from your job boards:

1. Via a job posting integration. If you have Logic Melon or Broadbean, we can integrate this with Mercury. There are two options when setting this up. The most popular use of this is to have every candidate that applies to the vacancy to get parsed through daXtra and created in Mercury. These candidates appear on the applicant's tab of your vacancy and can be flagged.
The second option is to manage them from your job posting platform and to flag them as normal. Only those that are green flagged will be created in Mercury and appear as Applicants and go directly onto the shortlist.

NOTE: It is possible to have amber flags also come into the system.

2. There is the option to purchase daXtra Search as a secondary search option to Mercury Search. This will search any job boards that you are signed up with. Candidates can be shortlisted and created in Mercury.