

The purpose of this article is to explain how to validate a Candidate's CV effectively via Daxtra Capture. Please see KA-01420 for details on how to parse Candidate CVs. 


Daxtra Parser software integration with Mercury.


Please contact your System Administrator for details on the email address to use when sending a CV to Daxtra. Depending on your user privileges, users will have different levels of access on Daxtra. More information on this can be found in <Knowledge article to follow>.

1. Once your CV has been recognised by Daxtra and has been parsed, there may be cases where it might show a status of Missing information, Possible Updates, Failed to Load or Failed to Process: 

2. Here is a glossary of the status meanings:

Commit would resend already parsed CVs to Mercury again - this should never be clicked for a CV with a status of Successfully Loaded.

Flush in this scenario means you are happy with the current parsed CVs, and to flush them would remove the CV from being validated; essentially, removing the logs from Daxtra - this cannot be undone. 

Discard is to remove the CV from Daxtra.

Reprocess is to reprocess the CV into Daxtra. You can see above that the Reprocess has appeared for the Missing Information status. The Daxtra Administrator would need to review CVs on a weekly basis to ensure the accuracy of CVs.

Check Connection is to ensure the connection to Mercury is good.

Resubmit has appeared on the Failed to Load status - this process would re-submit the CV. We would advise to contact Mercury Support if a CV has not appeared in your CRM but is appearing with this status. 

NOTE: Not all users would see this view - it is limited to only Mercury Support, however, some users are able to bulk process CVs dependent on privileges

3. To validate a CV click on the Missing Information magnify glass:

4. This screen will show all CVs which are showing a status of Missing Information. The Spool is where the CV is currently sitting in, and the Time the parse was created is also displayed. There are also options to see the Info of the CV or to Validate. Click on the Validate icon:

5. This will bring up the CV of the Candidate in question. Please bear in mind that to create a Contact in Mercury, the CV will require a First Name, Last Name, Address and a form of contact. In this case you can you see from the example above, Daxtra has been unable to find a contact number or an email address. Once a phone number/email address has been highlighted, you can enter this on the right-hand side and then press Commit for Daxtra to send this CV to Mercury. 

6. There is also another option called Dedupe, which will be covered in another article. This is a process where Daxtra looks for duplicate contacts that already exist in CRM and allows the user to compare CVs to establish if this is the same contact. 

7. Discard will remove the CV from Daxtra - this action cannot be undone once clicked. The Skip button skips past the CV and moves on to the next CV. 

8. On the top of the page, you will see Sections of the CV. You are able to click into these sections and Daxtra will display the sections of the CV it has parsed, for example, the Work History or Education of the Candidate.