

This article explains how to enable users to export data from individual views and reports in Mercury, to Excel, for data tracking and data management purposes. Users can export data to Static Worksheets or Dynamic Worksheets, and even import data back into Dynamics, however, some fields such as Calculated, Roll-up and Secured fields are editable in Excel but can't be imported back.
NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.



Home > Settings > Advanced Settings > Settings > System > Security > Users > Manage Roles


Exporting data to Static Worksheets creates a local copy of the exported data and stores it on your machine. Data is transferred from Dynamics 365 to your machine via a secure connection. Your organisation's System Administrator determines which users are permitted to export data to Excel via Security Roles. 

1. To apply the permission to a user account, click on Advanced Settings

2. Navigate to Security and then Users:

3. Locate the user to whom you wish to add the permission, and click Manage Roles:

4. A pop-up window will appear. Tick the checkbox for the Security Role called Mercury - Can Export to Excel:

5. Click OK then go back to Mercury. Press Ctrl+F5 on your keyboard which will give your web browser a hard reset, which in turn will invoke the changes just made. 

6. Select a View from which you wish to export the data to Excel, and you now see the Export to Excel option on the ribbon menu:


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