This article explains how to enable users to send bulk E-shots via Mercury Search. Users are able to send the same email to multiple recipients at the same time - this is known as a Bulk E-shot. Many Recruiters who use Mercury will send these Bulk E-shots via Mercury Search, where you are able to filter your criteria for the type of Candidates required, and then send a Bulk E-shot to those Candidates. However, there is a permission that needs to be allocated on a user's profile to allow the sending of bulk emails.
NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.
To enable access: Home > Settings > Advanced Settings > Settings > Security > Users
To send bulk E-shots: Home > Contacts > Search > Mercury Search
1. Allocate the required user permission via Advanced Settings:
2. Navigate to Security and then Users:
3. Locate the user who needs the permission. Scroll down towards the bottom of their profile, where there is a field called Allow Send Bulk Email - this will need to be set to Yes. Click the Save disc icon in the bottom right corner when done. The user will now be able to send Bulk E-shots.