

This article explains how to add Sectors to Client entities. This enables users to correctly arrange Client entities into Subsectors. 

NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.



Home > Clients > Select your View > Click into a Client record > Comments section > Click Sector field

Home > Config > Subsectors


There are two ways you can add Sectors to a Client  -  via the Client entity itself, or through the Configuration menu:

1. Navigate to a Client record via the sitemap: 

2. Once you have found the Client, go to the Sector field (#1 below) - you are also able to add a Subsector should it be needed (#2 below):

3. System Administrators can create and access all Sectors and Subsectors via the Configuration menu in the Area selector at the bottom-left pane of the screen: 

4. Users can see the list of Sectors that have been created. To create a new Sector click on +New

5. Simply input the name you wish to label the Sector as, then click Save

The new Sector field is then also displayed on a Vacancy and Placement form.