

This article explains how to give users the ability to create Agreements. This is a permission that needs to be applied.
See KA-01013 for more information about Agreements and what they are used for.

NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.



Home > Settings > Advanced Settings > Settings > System > Security > Users > Manage Roles


Users will need to have a specific permission assigned to them to create Agreements. To do this, a System Administrator will need to add the permission to the user's security profile. 

1. Navigate to Advanced Settings:

2. Select the Security option:

3. Click on Users

4. This will then show you the list of Enabled Users. Find the user and then click on Manage Roles - a pop-up window will appear:

5. Tick the permission called Mercury - Can Create Agreements then click OK

NOTE: The affected user must clear the cache in their web browser for the permission change to take effect. They will then be able to see Agreements in the main sitemap pane over on the left of the screen: 

6. When clicking on Agreements from the sitemap pane, the user will be taken to the Agreements page, where they will be able to see the +New button to add an Agreement: