

Candidate records may look different depending on which Form is currently being displayed, and it may not be immediately apparent how to revert the record to its usual Form. The Candidate CV Only Form is a simplified Candidate Form that highlights the Candidate CV. It is possible for a user to accidentally switch to this Form, but it is a very straightforward issue to correct.

This article applies if you are on a Candidate record and only the Experience, General and Related tabs are visible.


This can occur within any Candidate record.


If you see Candidate CV Only under the Candidate name, and also only see the Experience, General and Related tabs present:

1. Click on the Candidate CV Only dropdown:

2. Select Person:

3. The Person form should now display as expected:

NOTE: Not all environments have the same Candidate Forms, as some environments run customized Forms. If you are unsure which Form to use and do not see the Forms listed here, please contact your organisation's System Administrator for assistance.