

This article explains how to set up Email Signatures within the Mercury CRM. 

NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.



Home > Config > Dynamic Email Templates > Active Signature Block Templates


A default email signature can be set up in Mercury for all users within your organisation. This ensures consistency for all outgoing emails across all users, for a more professional and uniform look and feel when communicating with Candidates or Clients. This practice is also known as a Dynamic Email Template. 

1. To start with the setup, navigate to the Config menu in the bottom left pane and then head into Dynamic Email Templates

2. Change the View from All Active Dynamic Email Templates (the default) to Active Signature Block Templates as shown above. 

3. System Administrators can either create a new Signature Template or edit the Default Signature. Double-click into the Default Signature:

4. The Email Template should show as below. In the General tab you can decide the name for the template and the type of template - i.e. Signature Block or Email Body, the Primary Entity and the Owner.

The Owner field can also be populated with Business Units to ensure all users across different business units can use the same email signature. 

See below for the default settings for signatures in Mercury:

5. Click into the Template Content tab.

6. Here you are able to input the desired content for the default signature. The Body of the template will contain merge codes which are used to pull across the appropriate data from the User's profile. In the example below you can see the merge code {{Sender.Fullname}} which brings across the User's email address. {{Sender.Internalemailaddress}} brings across the User's email address.

7. Click the icon highlighted below: 

8. This will open up a window where the Sys Admin is able to view all the logical names of each fields that Users can make use of in the signature: 

9. In the screenshot above, the bottom pane displays the available entities within Mercury, and above that, the merge codes for each entity are displayed. So in the above example, User and the Main Phone's logical names have been brought across to the Body of the email.

10. Be sure to Save the record when you have completed the signature content. 

11. So now when a User intends to send an email through the Email Editor in Mercury, the newly built default signature will be automatically included, as below: 

12. In the example screenshot above, the Default Signature field has been highlighted to indicate that if there is more than one Default Signature that has been set up by the Sys Admin and made available, then Users can click the Default Signature drop-down and select the appropriate signature to include in their outgoing emails. 

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