

There could be instances where the Search bar (also known as Modern Search or Relevance Search or Dataverse Search) at the top of the screen in Mercury is not appearing, and instead only a magnifying glass-type search appears towards the top right of the screen. The 2021 Release Wave 2 from Microsoft enabled the full Search bar feature by default, but some users may have it switched off still.

NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.

Below is an example of what the Mercury screen looks like when the Search bar is turned off: 

Enabling the Search bar allows users to have a better search experience as it allows the ability to globally search right across the data stored within Mercury. The search bar will always be available at the top of every page, and it will also prompt you to view suggested results as you type in your search data. 

Where > Environments > Select Environment > Settings > Features



1. To enable the Search bar, the System Administrator need to log into

2. Select the Environment in which you want the Search bar enabled, and then click Settings:

3. Expand the Product menu of options and then click on Features:

4. Turn on Dataverse Search:

5. Click Save

6. Clear your browser cache and you should then see the Search bar appear as in the screenshot below. An alternative to clearing the cache from your web browser, is to have your browser open, press Ctrl+F5 and then restart the browser.