

There is the option for customers to be able to brand the Portal with their own credentials - e.g. your own organisation's logo - for a great professional look. See the image below which shows the areas which can be changed on the main screen: 




NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator via Mercury Admin in Dynamics.

NOTE: You will need to contact Mercury Support to complete the process for you, following the completion of the steps below.



1. Go to the Mercury Admin module and change the mode in the bottom left to Config:


2. From the sitemap menu on the left, select Portal Themes

3. Click +New in the top ribbon menu: 

4. Enter the details for the theme: 

  • Name - a name to easily identify the theme.

  • Portal - the portal the theme is for.

  • Portal URL - the URL of the portal the theme is for:
    - Only required if there are multiple themes for different instances of the Portal, each with a different URL.
    - Ensure the https:// prefix is supplied - no need to include the / suffix.

  • Image fields - enter the name of the image file you want to use, including the file extension.
    - These will be uploaded by Mercury Support.

  • Colour fields - enter the hex value with the # prefix.

5. Once all the details have been entered and are correct, click Save:


6. Make a note of the theme ID from the URL - example below:

At this point, please contact Mercury Support to request for the process to be completed for you.