
Each item below is prefixed with a 5-digit internal ID, followed by the Development Sprint in which it was delivered as the number in brackets, and then colour-coded as Green to indicate a Feature Update or Purple to indicate a Software Fix.


30th December 2024

71771 (24) - View a document in 'My Documents'
View an individual document in 'My Documents'. Users can click a link within 'My Documents' to view a document. Use cases include reviewing a document prior to signing, or reading it again once it is signed.


71772 (24) - View list of 'My Documents' on current Placement
View the list of documents associated with a current Placement. Click the 'Documents' tab in a current Placement to view associated documents.


21st August 2024

64396 (15) - Header > PrimeNG
UI improvements for the header of the Candidate Portal across different media queries (desktop and mobile views). We've created a new layout module which incorporates primeNG for mobile and desktop views.


11th July 2024

Improving mobile responsivity in the Mercury Candidate Portal

We are currently making some improvements to the Mercury Candidate Portal which will provide a more responsive mobile experience.

Nothing will be changing in terms of functionality, but users may notice some slight cosmetic changes as we roll out the enhancements.

If you have any feedback about this or anything else around the Candidate Portal, please contact your Mercury Customer Success Manager in the first instance.

2nd July 2024

26326 (12) - User is able to paste negative values into Expense line fields
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where a user could paste negative quantities into the Units and Costs Per Unit columns. The Save button is now disabled until all required column data is valid.

57823 (12) - Uploading 5 attachments and clicking Submit only saves 4 of them
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where all attachments were not saving successfully by adding a file attachment index to the end of file names, ensuring the file names are always unique.

58248 (12) - PDFs are not working on Timesheets for mobile
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where PDFs were not rendering on mobile view. Users now have the option to download the PDF to view it.

61872 (12) - Timesheet submission does not send emails when submitted from mobile
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where Timesheet submission does not send Timesheet Awaiting Approval emails when submitted from mobile and the Timeline item to approve the Timesheet does not appear.



4th June 2024


57033 (10) - If a Candidate submits an empty Timesheet there is no warning beforehand
If a Candidate accidentally submitted an empty (zero hours) Timesheet, the Timesheet would go into the Completed status, meaning they couldn't recall it. We've now added a warning when a user tries to submit an empty timesheet of 0 hours.


55251 (10) - Validation isn't stopping Candidates from submitting incomplete Password Reset emails
RESOLVED BUG: Validation now enforced before the Submit button is enabled on the Password Reminder screen.




20th May 2024 


54987 (7) - When submitting an empty Timesheet it should automatically be Completed 
RESOLVED BUG: Added a check for blank on submitting. 

55231 (7) - Start and End times showing on Timesheets that don't have it enabled in mobile view 
RESOLVED BUG: Missing comparison on the Timesheet mobile view added in. 

55232 (7) - Invalid validation on correct Start / End times 
RESOLVED BUG: Fixed Validation on Start / End times. 

55223 (8) - Uploading a document/commenting but not altering any Timesheet lines, the Save button was being disabled 
RESOLVED BUG: Save button is enabled when adding a document.

55247 (8) - Expense type / Currency is blank
RESOLVED BUG: Expense type no longer goes missing when going from a Draft/Blank expense to a Submitted expense.

57322 (8) - Desktop - Submitting a Timesheet with just an attachment does not upload
RESOLVED BUG: Blank Timesheet moves to a status of Submitted with an attachment.



18th March 2024 

52411 - Adding multiple values in Timesheet mobile view 

Updated to reuse existing Timesheet line for Rate and Period instead of creating new each time. 


52996 - Support UK / US / EU Date Formats 

Changed dates to be formatted based upon the local browser settings. 


55185 - Compliance status doesn't change until page is refreshed 

Ensure we retrieve the Compliance status from the entity we update. 


54810 - Start time & End time showing 2 days prior 

RESOLVED BUG: Start and End time differs in Mercury Core. 


54363 - There is already Timesheet line cover this period - after Timesheets > Save Timesheet 

RESOLVED BUG: Duplicate Timesheet lines. 


44662 - Placement Compliance modal missing data in Valid To and Valid From fields 

RESOLVED BUG: Fixed a broken mapping in the data layer. 


38630 - 'No error' pop-up message box for failing to upload a file to a Timesheet 

RESOLVED BUG: Added an extra catch for when SharePoint service fails and added a user-friendly error message. 


53744 - Invalid Timesheet name 

RESOLVED BUG: Defensive code was added to mimic the behaviour of Mercury Core when characters are included in an entity name that SharePoint will not accept in a document location URL. 


54114 - Timesheet GetDetail 

RESOLVED BUG: Use the first Timesheet line when calculating the Time fields if there are duplicates. 



4th March 2024 

54127 - UI cutting off on entering Timesheet details 

Fixed the padding and minimum width on the input fields so they don't hide the data. 



24th January 2024

Mobile devices - Compliance view - Timesheets - UI updates

We are constantly making improvements to the Candidate Portal. Over the last few development sprints we have sought to further improve the User Experience when using a mobile device. The Compliance view has again been enhanced, specifically regarding updating existing entries, as well as adding Start and End Dates when viewing Timesheets. There have also been a number of general user interface updates to help with navigation and adoption. 



22nd January 2024 

45004 - Restrict existing Compliance types on the Add Compliance option if the type already exists 

On My Compliance, where there is an exiting Compliance, we are now forcing an update rather than the creation of a new record, so no longer displaying existing Compliances in the Add New Compliance type drop-down.


46908 - Internal server error when editing an Expense type 

Fixed an Internal Server error when editing an Expense type in My Expenses by now not attempting to rename the attachment file if one does not exist. 



December 2023 

35210 - Add Start and End times to a Timesheet 

In My Timesheets, Start and End times are part of a Timesheet template, and if selected, need to be viewed and values need to be input in the Timesheet. When Show Start and End times is set to Yes in the Timesheet template associated with the Timesheets, there is now an option to input those values in the Timesheet. 


41181 - Next and Previous buttons missing on mobile Timesheet view for attachments 

When In a mobile view, the Next and Previous buttons were missing when there was more than one attachment. This has now been fixed so that the buttons now display when there is more than one attachment. 


37334 - Stockholm image appears when you hover over the 'Upload Receipt' button 

The wording for the stock image URL appeared when hovering over the Bin icon in Expenses. We have now removed the image when hovering over the icon. 


17th November 2023

Records management

Further improvements have been made to the Compliance aspect of the Candidate Portal, making editing and resubmitting records far easier.

iOS compatibility

We have also improved the ability to view the Candidate Portal itself on a mobile iOS device.  

31st October 2023

Compliance To & From fields

We have now made an improvement in the Candidate Portal to the To and From fields when uploading Compliance validations so that they are no longer mandatory, giving greater flexibility to the user. 

5th October 2023

Adding Expenses

When adding expenses in the Mercury Candidate Portal, the button was difficult to see as it was denoted by a + icon only. We have now updated this to show as ADD to improve the user experience.