
Each item below is prefixed with a 5-digit internal ID, followed by the Development Sprint in which it was delivered as the number in brackets, and then colour-coded as Green to indicate a Feature Update or Purple to indicate a Software Fix.


21st August 2024

63155 (15) - Renamed Candidate Feedback tab
UI update for better clarity of functionality. We've changed the tab title in the Candidate modal to 'Candidate Feedback'.


4th June 2024

54956 (10) - Populate the Interview Request email 'Regarding' field with the Shortlist record name
The Shortlist name is now included in the 'Regarding' column when looking at the Emails View (table) when requesting an Interview. This allows for better context into who/why you're emailing - e.g. when emailing a Candidate in relation to a Hot List for a particular job/vacancy. 

58268 (10) - Validation isn't stopping Clients from submitting incomplete Password Reset emails
RESOLVED BUG: Included validation on 'Submit' button - there must now be a text in the email textbox and the email must be valid.

58459 (10) - Incorrect screen displayed for Completed / Validated Timesheet for non-Portal Users
RESOLVED BUG: When a Timesheet is Approved/Validated/Completed, screen now shows 'This Timesheet has been actioned'. When a Timesheet is Draft/Recalled, screen now shows 'Timesheet has been changed'.

58942 (10) - Interview Arranged validator is wrong when using an American time zone
RESOLVED BUG: Added in logic to offset date to handle different time zones within the validation.



20th May 2024


56321 (7) - Display already Approved for Timesheet links 
Non-Portal users now see a page informing them that the Timesheet is already Approved if they click on a link to a Timesheet that has already been approved by another user. 

55183 (8) - Client users are not informed when Timesheet has been recalled when approving
Client users are now informed when a Timesheet has been recalled when approving. Newly added user messages are now displayed for both single and multiple approvals when a Timesheet is recalled before it can be approved.

55188 (8) - Make it clearer that Timesheets need a Rejection reason
Rejection Reason textbox on the Timesheet detail form has been moved to higher on the page to make it more obvious when rejecting a Timesheet.

57319 (8) - Make it clearer that Expenses need a Rejection reason 
Rejection Reason textbox has been moved to below the Approval dropdown to make it more obvious.

57366 (8) - Display 'Already actioned/approved' for completed Timesheet links
Non-Portal users now see a page informing them that the Timesheet is already Approved if they click on a link to a Timesheet that has already been approved by another user. 

40318 (7) - Candidate Feedback modal actions affecting different screens 
RESOLVED BUG: Candidate Feedback pop-up windows & actions were affecting other different screens in the Portal. 

40335 (7) - Interview Arranged drop-down not working for Candidates 
RESOLVED BUG: Added missing wildcards on the data retrieval. 

54970 (7) - Create Vacancy with invalid name 
RESOLVED BUG: Defensive code has been added to mimic the behaviour of Mercury Core when characters are included in an entity name that SharePoint will not accept in a Document location URL.

55024 (7) - User is not informed when an Expense has been recalled when Approving 
RESOLVED BUG: We now display a message to the user when an Expense that has already been Approved is Submitted, to explain it could not be submitted for this reason.

55994 (7) - Vacancy cannot be edited when the 'Assigned Approver' field is blank 
RESOLVED BUG: Vacancies can now not be edited when the 'Assigned Approver' field is blank. 

26456 (8) - Previously viewed Connected Users are shown when looking at Vacancy connected users
RESOLVED BUG: Previously looked-at Vacancy users are now no longer shown when looking at a different Vacancy record.

40526 (8) - Vacancy filtering is remembering previous settings
RESOLVED BUG: No longer have to refresh the page between filter changes.

53665 (8) - Portal searches remembers its input after changing pages
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved an error where a previous search was being remembered but there wasn't any string in the Search field.

53665 (9) - Can reject a Timesheet with no Rejection reason
RESOLVED BUG: Submit button is now disabled when a rejected Timesheet has no Rejection Reason.



18th March 2024 


53643 - Support UK / US / EU Date formats 

Changed dates to be formatted based upon the local browser settings.


51960 - Send email when an Interview is requested from Client Portal 

Ability to send an email to the Recruiter when an Interview is requested within Client Portal Vacancies. An email is sent to the Vacancy owner when an Interview is requested.


52441 - Error creating Vacancy 

RESOLVED BUG: Client Portal will no longer allow users who are not Client contacts to be selected as Approvers when creating a Vacancy. 


54165 - Unable to open Expense 

RESOLVED BUG: Added a check on the Description before mapping.


29494 - Connected Users > When unassigning users, selecting one would select all of them 

RESOLVED BUG: Set ID property in UI for Metronics. (Metronics is a styling, UI & logic tool for the Portals)


54688 - Timesheet GetDetail 

RESOLVED BUG: Use the first Timesheet line when calculating the Time fields if there are duplicates. 



4th March 2024 

52571 - UI tweaks to approving Timesheets 

Fixed some issues where screen resolution hides some items in Timesheets.


40341 - Vacancy from a different Client still shows 

Added a Client filter to the connected Vacancies section of the GetVacancies endpoint.


53834 - Approved Expense creates a Rejected Expense in the Timeline 

RESOLVED BUG: Approved Expenses now have a Timeline activity and a status of Approved in Mercury.



24th January 2024

UI/UX updates - Timesheets - Updating a Vacancy 

A number of User Interface and User Experience improvements have been released over the past few development sprints, one of which is that you can now view the Start and End dates when viewing a Timesheet in the Portal, and we have also sought to improve the validation process when Updating a Vacancy, to ensure that only the correct people can make the approval. 



22nd January 2024 

35926 - User is able to assign an Approver to a Vacancy that is from a different Client to the Vacancy 

User was able to assign an Approver to a Vacancy that was from a different Client to that of the Vacancy, so now, when updating a Vacancy, an extra step kicks in to verify that the selected Approver is a valid Approver for the Vacancy. 



December 2023 

35211 - Add Start and End times to a Timesheet 

Start and End times are part of a Timesheet template, and if selected, need to be viewed and values need to be input into the Timesheet, then viewed by whoever is reviewing the Timesheet. Start and End times therefore now show in Client Portal Timesheets.


49310 - Forgot Password failing 

When clicking Forgot Password  on the Login screen, it created an error. The error has now been resolved when retrieving the user's details from Dataverse.


47252 - Unable to update Charge field on a Vacancy 

If you attempted to update the Charge field on a Vacancy, it would not update but instead reset the Pay field to 0 (zero) in Mercury Core. This has now been fixed by including the Charge field in Update request to Dataverse. 


41055 - Alter Placement date returns a 403 error 

The Placement was being checked against the Candidate contact instead of the Client contact. This has now been fixed by checking against the Client contact and not the Candidate contact. 

17th November 2023

Feedback records

We have enhanced the Client Portal so that you can review ALL previous Feedback records as opposed to just the latest, as this was hindering the user experience.

Hiring Manager as a connected user

A number of other improvements have been made, one of which being that a Hiring Manager can no longer select themselves as a Connected User.

Approve / Reject Timesheets

We have also resolved the issue where users who have not signed up for the Client Portal were unable to approve or reject Timesheets. 

31st October 2023

Updating of Vacancy status 

You can now upload a document to the Client Portal that can act as a Job Description for the Vacancy in question, and all associated statuses will now update accordingly. 

18th October 2023

Completed Expenses 

We have now added an additional column for Completed Expenses which clearly shows the Date of Approval. 

Vacancy Approval notification 

A new notification has been introduced so that when a Vacancy has been approved, an email will now be sent directly to the Hiring Manager to make them aware of the change. 

5th October 2023

Vacancy Approvals 

When a Vacancy which requires approval is subsequently rejected in the Mercury Client Portal, we now create and send an email to the Hiring Manager responsible for that Vacancy so that they are both aware and can take action. 

Vacancy Approvals 

When a user creates a Vacancy that requires approval in the Mercury Client Portal, we now send an email directly to the selected individual to help speed up the process.  


In the Mercury Client Portal we wanted a more consistent user view when users are looking for Completed Expenses.  The page now includes a filter that provides the option to quickly surface either Outstanding or Completed expenses. 

CVs in PDF 

Previously when viewing CVs in PDF format in the Mercury Client Portal, the screen became very small.  We have adjusted the height restrictions so that PDF documents will display in full size giving a more standard user experience.