

Using Mercury Legacy Search is a great way to find Candidates within your Mercury CRM. By utilising the Boolean Operators function, users will be able to see results of Candidates who better match their search criteria.



Home > Contacts > Search > Mercury Legacy Search

Home > Vacancies > select your Vacancy > select Search on the top ribbon menu > select Mercury Legacy Search or Mercury Legacy Match To Vacancy



1. Search for a Role, Skill or Location (see Knowledge Article KA-01067 for additional refined Search preferences). In this example, we'll search for Manager under Job Title:


2. Click on New Group. This will create a group that is set to put any criteria within it into an OR logic.

3. Drag & drop Manager into this group.

4. To change the logic to AND or NOT, click onto the orange bar. For this example, it has been changed to the AND logic:

5. Search for the Skill of English and drag & drop this Skill into the existing group:

6. The search criteria will now read as Show Candidates with a Job Title of Manager AND has English as a Skill.

7. Click on Perform Search. This will now show you results that match your search criteria. 


Additional information

You can perform a Boolean Search on Tags and Skills by clicking on Additional terms (Tags and Skills).

Also, clicking on New Group allows search criteria to be grouped together - add this as a new group to reflect the labelling.

NOTE: Please only use this refinements area once your search results have been reduced down to a couple of hundred results. 


Authored by Mir Hussain - Application Support Analyst @ Mercury