

A deep dive into your Vacancies, aimed at Sales Managers and Team Leaders who are keen to understand the changing landscape and any associated financial impact. Helps identify which Vacancies are yet to receive CVs so that you can take action and maximise coverage, with a view to improving your conversion and Placement rates. 

Shows a far deeper dataset relating to Vacancy positions by status and over time. Includes detailed views of data relating to Vacancies created, GP, Average Margin/Fees %, Average length and Average fill rate, along with their variation over time. 


Report highlight

Visualise how many opportunities you have open that are yet to receive CVs! Maximise coverage and ensure a positive Client experience. Can also help to identify any seasonality and trends. 

Click to navigate to any selected Vacancy record in Mercury!

Can be viewed at any time, but likely to be accessed daily to maintain a healthy momentum across all Vacancies.


Who it's for

Team Leaders and Sales Managers.

Summary of the main screens

1 View current status of all Vacancy positions.
2 View more detailed breakdowns for all these metrics.
3 Compare current month with high and low months for the year so far.





1 Drill through to rich data tables with specific Vacancy details.



1 Click the eye icon to navigate directly to the Vacancy record in Mercury.



Report summary

The Vacancy overview report contains headlines giving you information about total number of Vacancy positions, how many of those Vacancy positions are open, how many haven't yet got interviews scheduled and how many do have interviews. 

You can see the status for each Vacancy on the first chart and then also how these statuses have changed over time in the bar chart to the right hand side. There are cards at the bottom that give the current monthly performance on the top number, and the bottom numbers on the left and right show the minimum and maximum months for the year-to-date, allowing a comparison of this month's performance with the best and worst months of the year so far. 

There are a number of ways of filtering and slicing the data that you can see. You can select individual financial years and months or quarters. You can view by Business Unit, or Territory or Site, or you can select a Team, going right down to your Consultants to view their information.

You can click the arrow icon on all of the five cards at the bottom, to view richer detail for each metric. For example, when selecting the Avg GP card, you can see how the average Vacancy GP varies over time to compare performance. You can also see comparisons between Sites, Territories and Teams.

By selecting any data within the visuals, you can then drill through to the data tables to view even more information about the specific Vacancies selected.  Click the eye icon to open up the selected Vacancy record in Mercury.

There are two other pages to the Vacancy Overview. The first is the List view, which is all of the Vacancies, including some additional headline metrics showing you the number of days to first CV, days to Interview, days to Offer and days to Placement. 

The second is the Monthly view, which compares the number of Vacancies created and the number of Positions created, as obviously you can have multiple Positions for each Vacancy. 

Glossary of terms for this report


  • Total Vacancy Positions - total number of positions (there can be multiple positions for any Vacancy). 

  • Open Vacancy Positions - positions that have not been Won, Lost or Cancelled. 

  • Without Interview - open Vacancy positions that have not yet reached Interview status. 

  • With Interview - open Vacancies with at least one interview (first, further or final). 


Current (and min & max) Month Cards

  • Vacancies created - number of Vacancy records (not positions) created in the current month. 

  • Avg GP - total true Gross Profit normalised, based on base currency amount generated by Vacancies created in the current month. 

  • Avg Margin % - the average Margin % associated with Vacancies created this month. 

  • Avg Length (Weeks) - average length of Contract/Temp Vacancies, in weeks, for the current month.   

  • Fill Rate - % Fill rate of Vacancy positions in the current month. 


Card drill-through Headlines 

  • This Month - Total or average for the current month-to-date.   

  • Last Month - Total or average for the full previous month.   

  • Last 12 Months - Average for previous 12 months (excluding current month).    


Authored by Andy Montague - Product Manager @ Mercury