

A deep dive insight for Senior Leadership to show the number of Contract Starters and how much they’re worth to you, indicating whether Contract Starters are above or below average value. 

The Contract Starters report shows volumes of new Contract/Temp starters and the associated total value (both new WGP and new GP).  

Detailed information and charts showing average charge and pay rates, margins, margin %, average WGP and average contract length. Further breakdowns available for status and type. 


Report highlight

Average contract length is a useful callout from a Sales perspective. Status view is a really useful tool to see bottlenecks, helping you to minimise dropouts by addressing problems. 


Who it's for

Senior Leadership.

Summary of the main screen

1 Detailed information relating to average measures for Contract Starters.
2 High level Starter volumes with associated Gross Profit measures.
3 View the individual Placements in Mercury, including the specific Placement code for each.
4 Switch between Weekly Gross Profit and details of Placement status & type.


Report summary

The Contract Starters report shows the volume of new Contract or Temporary Starters with the associated Weekly Gross Profit and total new Gross Profit for those Starters. 

The main chart displays the number of Starters and the average Weekly Gross Profit for those Starters. The details for specific Starters can be viewed in the data table further below on the page, by selecting any given bar. 

Starters can also be viewed by status & type using the toggle on the right. The different statuses of all of the Placements are displayed, as well as the type (whether they are Contract or Temporary).  

There are a number of filters on the report which include being able to select a specific date range, or slice the data by Business Unit, Team, Territory, Site, Consultant or even Client. 

Glossary of terms for this report


  • Avg Charge Rate - the average daily charge rate (base currency) for active Contract/Temp positions where rate frequency is hourly, daily or weekly.  

  • Avg Pay Rate - the average daily pay rate (base currency) for active Contract/Temp positions where rate frequency is hourly, daily or weekly. 

  • Avg Margin - the average daily margin (gross profit) for active Contract/Temp positions where rate frequency is hourly, daily or weekly (base currency). 

  • Avg Margin % - the average margin percentage for active Contract/Temp positions where rate frequency is hourly, daily or weekly (base currency). 

  • Avg Weekly Gross Profit - the average weekly margin (gross profit) for active Contract/Temp positions (base currency). 

  • Avg Contract Length (weeks) - the average length in weeks of active Contract/Temp positions.



  • Starters - the number of new active Placements that are of type Contract/Temp for the time period selected. 

  • Total New WGP - the total contribution of weekly gross profit from new active Placements that are of type Contract/Temp for the time period selected. 

  • Total New Gross Profit - the total weekly gross profit from new active Placements that are of type Contract/Temp for the time period selected. 



Authored by Andy Montague - Product Manager @ Mercury