

Aimed at anyone in a Leadership position who needs to understand and report on key trends that impact financial performance. A concise view of your financial performance, tracked over time, and easily broken down via various filters from Users, Teams, Sites, Territories and Business Units. 

Shows deeper information about Fees and Fee details in relation to Consultants and Vacancies. 

Detailed views of Users, Teams, Business Units, Territories and Sites. Information is also shown relating to Fees by Transaction types and status. 


Report highlight

Allows you to compare against the previous periods and understand seasonal trends. Consultant Detail gives you the first insight to a Performance Leaderboard for your Consultants (based on the level of access of the user). 

Can be viewed at any time but likely to be viewed monthly and form a key component of any Financial Reports or Board packs. 


Who it's for

Senior Leadership.


Summary of the main screen

1 Click on the funnel icon to open a filter panel for slicing and refining the data.
2 Utilise the Convertor to view Fee amounts in a Currency other than your organisation's Base Currency.
3 Switch between viewing Fees by Recognised Date or Issued Date.
4 Drill through to richer levels of detail about Fees, Consultants and Vacancies.
5 Toggle different views of Fees by Users, Sites, etc.


Report summary

The Financial Overview report concentrates on Fees and Vacancies. The headline numbers indicate the Fees created year-to-date and the number of Vacancies created year-to-date. 

The main chart shows Fees by month and year, and as not all organisations focus on the Recognised date for their Fees, you can switch from Recognised date to Issued date and you'll see the chart and the figure at the bottom of the page change to Issued fees rather than Recognised fees. 

The chart itself can also be split different ways. The default view is of the Fees total year on year, but can be toggled to view Fees created by Users or by Teams for example, or Sites, Territories and Business Units. 

There are more details available for Fees, Consultants and Vacancies on the drill-throughs in the top right of the screen.  

In the Fees Details drill-through you can see the overall fees, the fees average and the fees percentage average in the headlines, along with visuals that display the fees by month and Business Unit and by Site, with a view of Cumulative Fees as well. 

The drill-through for Consultant Details gives more information about the fees by Consultant.  There is a chart similar to a league table to display the fees attributable to each Consultant over on the left of the page, ranked highest first, and visuals for Fees by Transaction type (where you'll see things like Retainer fees and Staged fees) and the fees by Status, which gives you an indicator of where processes could be improved, for example where you've got outstanding fees in Pending status. You can see the data table at the bottom of the page displays all of the fees, and in the headlines again you've got Fees year-to-date, the Fees Average year-to-date, and the Fees Percentage Average year-to-date. 

The final drill-through shows more about Vacancies - it's a simple view of Vacancy count by month and year, with the data table available to view all those Vacancies as well. 

On each of the pages you can change the Currency at the bottom of the screen from the Base Rate currency into the currencies available for your organisation, and there are filters at the top which you can use to select different Financial Periods or to drill into Business Units, Territories, Sites, Teams or individual Consultant’s numbers. 

Glossary of terms for this report


  • Fees YTD - fees created so far this financial year that have Recognised/Issued dates present (depending on selection), normalised based on base currency amount. 

  • Vacancy Positions created YTD - the total Vacancy positions created so far this financial year. 

  • Fees - total fees that have Recognised/Issued dates present (depending on selection), normalised based on base currency amount. 

  • Fees average - average fees for all collaborators that have Recognised/Issued dates present (depending on selection), normalised based on base currency amount. 

  • Fees % average - average fees percentage for fees that have Recognised/Issued dates present (depending on selection). Comes from the Margin Fee % of Placement if available, and from Vacancy if not. 

  • Fees Avg YTD - average fees created so far this financial year-to-date that have Recognised/Issued dates present (depending on selection), normalised based on base currency amount. 

  • Fees % Avg YTD - average fees percentage for fees created so far this financial year that have Recognised/Issued dates present (depending on selection). 

  • This month - a count of Vacancy positions created this month. 

  • Last Month - a count of Vacancy positions created in the previous month. 

  • Monthly average - average count of Vacancies for the last 12 months (excluding current month). 



  • Total YoY - total fees year on year that have Recognised/Issued dates present (depending on selection). 

  • FX - the currently selected Conversion Rate from base currency units. 


Authored by Andy Montague - Product Manager @ Mercury