

Consultant view - how well you are performing against set targets. 

Shows a simple view of individual Consultants' current performances against set targets for 5 KPIs: 

  • Vacancies added 

  • CV Submissions 

  • Interviews 

  • Offers 

  • Placements (by value) 

Team Managers can select any team member to view that Consultant’s current performance. 


Report highlight

Also includes the Consultant's all-time numbers and ratios for the recruitment process funnel, from Vacancy right through to Placement. Manager's version of the report allows them to select any team member in order to view their performance against current targets.


Who it's for

Consultants and Team Leaders.


Summary of the main screen

1 Consultants' all-time numbers for progress through the recruitment funnel, including ratios and average time taken per stage.
2 Consultant's name displayed - Team Managers can select here who they want to view.
3 For each KPI, the configured Frequency and Target are displayed.
4 Actual performance and current Progress-to-Target are displayed with each dial - these light up and continue beyond 100% for over-performance.


Report summary

The Performance vs Target report shows key metrics used to assess the current performance of Consultants. 

The headline numbers show all-time performance for that Consultant, with volumes of Vacancies, CV submissions, Interviews, Offers and Placements, along with the associated Gross Profit generated, ratios of moving from one stage of the recruitment process to the next, and average number of days taken to move through each stage. 

There are 5 Target Key Performance Indicator cards displayed that include the previously configured frequency for each target, along with the target itself, current performance levels and progress towards the target volume or amount.  The progress dials continue beyond 100% where a Consultant over-achieves against their set target. 

Team Managers can simply select an individual team member from the available drop-down list to view their current performance to the set targets.  

The targets that are allocated to Consultants are configured and applied in the Mercury Admin app. There is a separate Knowledge Base article on how to Create and Assign Targets

Glossary of terms for this report


  • Vacancies - the total number of Vacancies. 

  • Submissions - the total number of CVs sent. 

  • Interviews - the total number of Interviews arranged. 

  • Offers - the total number of Offers. 

  • Placements - the total number of Placements (New & Extensions) with Cancelled excluded. 

  • Gross Profit - the total of Placement Gross Profit normalised, based on base currency amount. 

  • Ratios - shows the ratios between each stage of the recruitment process. 

  • Days to - shows the average number of days between stages. 



Authored by Andy Montague - Product Manager @ Mercury