

Within Mercury Core you can retrieve Candidates and view their status in relation to a specific Vacancy. By viewing this within Search, more detailed information on the Candidate can be viewed - e.g. Match Rating, Tags, Salary Information - helping to better match ideal Candidates within a Vacancy Shortlist.

You can also attach new Candidates to a Shortlist. This allows for Candidates that have been deemed suitable for a different roles to be easily accessed and considered for new positions. 



For this article, we will access Search via the Vacancies area: 

Home > Vacancies > select a Vacancy record > Search > Mercury Search




NOTE: Please be aware of the Vacancy ID that is used. If the results generate no Candidates, then this indicates that the Vacancy ID that was used does not have any Candidates. 

NOTE: You can also search Vacancies that are Inactive, therefore allowing an expanded pool of potential Candidates to be reviewed. 


For this section we will detail how to view a Shortlist within Search, how to save a Vacancy reference search, and how to add new Candidates to a Vacancy.  



View a Shortlist


1. Access Vacancies and check the blue circle of the Vacancy.


2. Once selected, click Search > Mercury Search Match to Vacancy from the top navigation bar. Make a note of Vacancy Ref.






3. The Client Shortlist for the Vacancy will show in the right-hand menu. This is collapsed by default - to expand it, click the << button in the bottom right corner:  





4. To get more information on the shortlisted Candidates go to Filters, expand the Vacancy dropdown, enter the Vacancy Ref (e.g. CR/011412) and select the associated Vacancy:






Save a Vacancy Search


To run a search again using the same filters in the future, the search filter can be saved.


1. Select Save this Filter and name the filter, then click Confirm and Save:


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2. To use that saved filter again, click Managed Saved Filters. Saved filters can be shared, deleted, or loaded. If a saved filter is edited and saved, it will save as a new group and will not overwrite the original: 


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Add New Candidates to an Existing Vacancy Reference

1. Access Vacancies and check the blue circle of the Vacancy.

2. Once selected, click Search > Mercury Search Match to Vacancy from the top navigation bar. Make a note of the Vacancy Ref.  




3. The current Client Shortlist for the Vacancy will show in the right-hand menu. This is collapsed by default - to expand it, click the << button in the bottom right corner:



4. Next, go to Filters and conduct a search on a given parameter to find a new Candidate to add to the Shortlist.


5. These searches will now happen within the context of the Vacancy (Project Manager). For example, you want to add a Candidate to the Project Manager Shortlist who has experience in Agile by using the Tags filter:


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6. On the Candidate you want to add to the Shortlist, click Options > Add to Shortlist:




7. Once all new Candidates are added, click Save shortlist to Project Manager at the bottom of the Shortlist panel:

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Authored by Arden Shaw - Digital Adoption Consultant @ Mercury