

Creating Commission Splits is now even easier, thanks to cascading changes across Commissions within Placements, Vacancies and Fees. Any updates to Value Amounts or Commission Types are now immediately reflected across the record, with no more manual changes required! 


Key highlights:

  • Any updates to Value Amounts or Commission Types are now immediately reflected across the record - no more individual manual changes! 

  • Commission Splits can exceed the Amount/Gross Profit values if required. 

  • If a record is cloned or extended, the Commission Split Lines are also cloned, regardless of if the Amount/Gross profit is changed. 



There are three records which contain Commission Splits: Placements, Vacancies and Fees.

For each, select an associated record > ribbon bar menu > Commission.



In the following example, two Commission Splits will be added to a Vacancy. These are the same steps for a Placement or a Fee. However, please see the table to understand where the values read from.

    Record Type    

    Value used to calculate commission    



Gross Profit 

General > Financials > Gross Profit


True Gross Profit 

Placement Details > Calculated Values > True Gross Profit



General > Fee > Amount


Commission Splits across a Record

1. Within a Vacancy record, go to Commission > New Commission Split



2. This opens up a Quick Create sidebar window. 



Owner: The user relating to the commission split line

Required / Editable


Role: The commission role

Optional / Lookup menu or create new


Commission Type: Fixed Amount OR Percentage

Required / Dropdown menu


Date from which any split or commission is applicable to

Optional / Calendar or freetext (DD/MM/YYYY)



3. In this example, one Commission Split is added by Percentage, and one is added by Fixed Amount. Once saved, these feed back automatically to the Commissions Split table.

As well as showing the breakdown of each Commission Split, you can also see the Total Split Commissions in both Value and Percentage form. In this example, the Split Total of Commissions from Gross Profit is £1,650.00, i.e. 55%.



4. Once the Commission Split Lines have been created, updates can be made to them. Select a row to edit by clicking the tick box. This then shows additional actions: EditActivate, and an additional pop-out menu.