
This is a summary of all the Development items referenced in the Mercury v30 Release Notes

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New Forms and Views

49968 Views from new app to core - Client
WHAT Renamed / updated some of the System Views for Clients within Mercury. There are currently a lot of ‘System Views’ across Mercury which can be confusing. We will therefore look to potentially consolidate views to improve the user experience. Customers will be able to create their own views which they will be able to share with their users. We will give appropriate warning before removing any existing views.
WHERE View selector when looking at Clients from the site map. 
HOW The following System Views are now available.   

  • My Active Accounts (Default)
  • Active Accounts   
  • Inactive Accounts  
  • Accounts I Follow    
We have taken the decision to hide;      
  • Active  Clients    
  • Active  Prospects  
  • Active  Suspects   
  • Awaiting Credit Check   
  • Client Info Quick View   
  • Client Missing Finance Account Ref   
  • Client Missing Tax Code  
  • My Connections   
  • Parent Clients Only  
  • Previous Clients    
We have also implemented a consistent approach to columns within these views:   
  • Client Name (sorted A-Z)  
  • Main Phone   
  • Address City   
  • Primary Contact  
  • Work Email
  •  (Primary Contact)  
  • Client ID  
  • Client Status  
  • Owner


49966 Views from new app to Core - Vacancy
WHAT Renamed / updated some of the System Views for Vacancies within Mercury. There are currently a lot of ‘System Views’ across Mercury which can be confusing. We will therefore look to potentially consolidate views to improve the user experience. Customers will be able to create their own views which they will be able to share with their users. We will give appropriate warning before removing any existing views.
WHERE View selector when looking at Vacancies from the site map. 
HOW The following System Views are now available.   

  • All Active Vacancies   
  • Closed Vacancies   
  • Live vacancies with statistics  
  • My Active Vacancies   
  • My Closed Vacancies 
  • Vacancies I Follow     


49967 Views from new app to Core
WHAT Renamed / updated some of the System Views for Contacts within Mercury. There are currently a lot of ‘System Views’ across Mercury which can be confusing. We will therefore look to potentially consolidate views to improve the user experience. Customers will be able to create their own views which they will be able to share with their users. We will give appropriate warning before removing any existing views.
WHERE View selector when looking at Contacts from the site map. 
HOW The following System Views are now available.    

  • Candidates Active (previously Active Candidate Contacts)
  • Candidate Inactive (Previously Inactive Candidates)  
  • Candidates I Own (Previously My Active Candidates) 
  • Candidates I Follow (Previously Candidates I Follow)  
  • Candidates I Own in Progress (Previously My Candidates in Progress)  
  • Candidates I Own who are Placed (Previously My Candidates on Placement)  
  • Client Contacts Active (Previously Active Client Contacts)  
  • Client Contacts Inactive (Previously Inactive Client Contacts)  
  • Client Contacts I Own (Previously My Active Client Contacts) 
  • Client Contacts I Follow (New - needs creating) (Status = Active, As A = Client Contact, Who I Follow)     
We have also implemented a consistent approach to columns within these views;   
  • Full Name (sorted A-Z) 
  • Current Client  
  • Job Title  
  • Personal Email (Switch with Work Email on Client Contact Views)  
  • Personal Mobile
  • Availability 
  • Situation  
  • Home Address City
  • (Switch with Work Address City on Client Contact Views)   
  • Candidate ID  
  • Owner           



53609 New Client Form
WHAT A new Mercury form (Mercury Account) for Clients is now available via the form selectorWe have redesigned the forms within Mercury to give users a more consistent experience for users. These forms are available alongside the existing forms in v30 and we will be looking to deprecate/replace the existing Person form with these new forms. We will give appropriate warning before replacing the ‘Person’ form. Any local Customisations will be retained during this deprecation/replace process.              
WHERE Form selector on a Client record, located on the top left underneath the Client Name.  
HOW Select Mercury Account from the form selector to see the new form.


53610 New Contact (Person) Form
WHAT A new Mercury form (Mercury Contact) for Contacts is now available via the form selector. We have redesigned the forms within Mercury to give users a more consistent experience for users. These forms are available alongside the existing forms in v30 and we will be looking to deprecate/replace the existing Person form with these new forms. We will give appropriate warning before replacing the Person form. Any local Customisations will be retained during this deprecation/replace process.              
WHERE Form selector on a Contact record, located on the top left underneath the Contact Name
HOW Select Mercury Contact from the form selector to see the new form.

53611 New Vacancy Form
WHAT A new Mercury form (Mercury Vacancy) for Vacancy is now available via the form selector. We have redesigned the forms within Mercury to give users a more consistent experience for users. These forms are available alongside the existing forms in v30 and we will be looking to deprecate/replace the existing Person form with these new forms. We will give appropriate warning before replacing the Person’ form. Any local Customisations will be retained during this deprecation/replace process.              
WHERE Form selector on a Vacancy record, located on the top left underneath the Vacancy Name.  
HOW Select Mercury Vacancy from the form selector to see the new form.

53612 New Placement Form
WHAT A new Mercury form (Mercury Placement) for Placements is now available via the form selector. 
WHERE Form selector on a Placement record, located on the top left underneath the Placement Name.  
HOW Select Mercury Placement from the form selector to see the new form.

59616 New v2 Forms colours
WHAT We have introduced colours to highlight different status reasons to give a visual representation of the status.
WHERE Wherever a status reason is shown in the new forms in Mercury.
HOW As a status changes the corresponding colour will update.


60114 Shortlist views on Vacancy v2 form
WHAT In the new Mercury Vacancy form we have updated the views when looking at Shortlists. This will make it easier to see the progress of candidates who are currently shortlisted.
WHERE Candidates tab of Mercury Vacancy form and Shortlists.   
HOW Users can now select between Active In Progress and Inactive or Rejected when looking at Shortlists associated to a Vacancy.


Enhancements to Commission Splits

54842 Create a Commission Line
WHAT We have added the ability to create ‘Commission Lines’ on a Fee, Vacancy and/or Placement
WHERE Commission Tab of a Fee, Vacancy and PlacementPlease note, the existing Commission fields will remain. You are able to hide these through existing Configuration
HOW You can now create a Commission Line against the entities outlined above. When adding, the Owner of the Parent (Fee, Vacancy or Placement) record will be set as the Owner. You can change this.  


You will be shown the total amount of the Fee or Gross Profit, providing an indication of how much the overall amount is. Once selected Commission Type of either Fixed Amount or Percentage you can input the relevant details. Once populated a Percentage or Amount of the total amount of the Commission Split will be calculated for you



Once happy you can Save and Close, where you will be taken back to the Parent record. From here, you are able to create as many Commission Lines as required.    

56932 Cascade changes in Amount and Currency to Commission Line
WHAT If Commission changes, after Commission Lines have been generated, we have introduced a cascade that will automatically update any Commission Lines.   
WHERE Commission Lines of a Fee, Vacancy and Placement
HOW After the Commission has changed on a Fee, Vacancy or Placement, any Commission Lines will be automatically updated to reflect the change. A change to the Currency will also update the Commission Line. After making the change, if the Commission Lines exceed the overall value, users will be informed that ‘Commission Lines’ exceed the overall value and action is required.   You will be able to open the ‘Commission Line’ and make any changes that are needed.



58759 Setup Commission roles
WHAT We have added the ability to allow people with Mercury - Super User security role to create a Commission Role that can be used across Fees, Vacancies and/or Placements
WHERE Mercury Admin app under Config area. 
HOW You are able to create a new Commission Role, give it a name along with setting what entities it is valid for. Commission Roles can be valid for multiple entities.    



58760 Create Commission split line
WHAT Users are now able to create Commission Lines on a Fee, Vacancy and/or Placement
WHERE On the Commission Tab of a Fee, Vacancy and PlacementPlease note, the existing Commission fields will remain. You are able to hide these through existing ‘Configuration’
HOW You can now create a Commission Line against the entities outlined above. When adding, the Owner of the Parent (Fee, Vacancy or Placement) record will be set as the ‘Owner’. You can change this. You will be shown the total amount of the Fee or Gross Profit, providing an indication of how much the overall amount is. Once selected Commission Type of either Fixed Amount or Percentage you can input the relevant details. Once populated a Percentage or Amount of the total amount of the Commission Split will be calculated for youOnce happy you can Close, where you will be taken back to the Parent record. From here, you are able to create as many Commission Lines as required. 


58761 Display/Edit Commission Split lines
WHAT Users can add commission split lines on the Fee, Placement and Vacancy forms.  
WHERE In the Commissions tab in each form.  
HOW There is a subgrid in the tab which allows users to create new commission split lines.

59797 Commission Split Lines - Cloning Vacancy & Cloning/Extending Placement
WHAT When you clone a Vacancy or Placement, the relevant Commission Lines will be copied over to the cloned item.  
WHERE Commission tab of Vacancy or Placement.  
HOW Clone a Vacancy or Placement via the ribbon button and you will see that all 'Commission Lines' will be copied over to the new Vacancy or Placement on the Commission tab.    

New Description field on Activity Purpose

43322 Description on Activity Purpose
WHAT Users can now set a description in an Activity purpose, which provides guidance to recruiters as to things they should consider adding to the activity.  
WHERE Activity purpose form  
HOW In an Activity purpose record, there is a description field that can be populated. 

43325 Populate Description from Activity Purpose on Activities
WHAT Populating the Activity Purpose on one of the following activities: Phone Call, Task, and UpdateThe 'Description' is extracted from the information that has been added in the Activity Purpose record for the selected Activity Purpose, this is then used to populate the 'Description' field on the activity.      
WHERE On Phone Call, Task, and Update activities.       
HOW Selecting the activity purpose will show the associated description.  

Enhancements to 'Last Contacted'

IDEA-01020  Mailshots no longer update Last Contacted
WHAT Mailshots now update Last Contacted in the last sales email fields.
WHERE In the Person Form.
HOW Updated the Person Form so that mailshots are reflected in Last Contacted.


IDEA-01024 The 'Last Contacted' field will not update from an Info record
WHAT The Last Contacted field is now updated automatically on the Info record.       
WHERE On the Info (mercury_info) Entity, in the UCI: Main Form.          
HOW Made the field read only and updated the Activity complete plugin to update info record. 

IDEA-1074 Voicemail option still updates Last Contacted
WHAT We have updated Last Contacted functionality so that now if a phone call is marked as Left Voice Mail, it will not update Last Contacted on Client and Contact.     
WHERE Client and Contact.   
HOW Updated the Activity complete Plugin to handle this scenario.


Improvements to Postcode visibility

IDEA-01103 Post code is not a mandatory field
WHAT Some countries do not have postcodes and so we now Show/Hide Postcode field based on the selected country
WHERE Country field in the address section for Address, Client, Contact, Fee, Placement and Vacancy, Placement Validation.  
HOW When there is a change of the country field the post code field will show or not depending on the selection. 


59356 Postcode hide function on Candidate Company
WHAT Some countries do not have postcodes and so we now Show/Hide Postcode field based on the selected country on the Candidate Company.
WHERE Country field in the address section for Candidate Company
HOW When there is a change of the country field the post code field will show or not depending on the selection. 


Improvements to working with CVs


55840 Name of CV on Spec Send
WHAT You can search for the anonymised CV when looking at Spec Sends within Mercury. This is in addition to searching for the anonymised CV when looking at Candidates.
WHERE Spec Sends
HOW From Spec Sends, you can input the CV Name (e.g. CV0001) into the search and it will return results of where they CV was sent.


58131 Change displayable CV
WHAT Users now have the option to change the displayable CV on a Contact within Mercury. 
WHERE Experience tab of a Contact. 
HOW Previously the only way to change the displayable CV on a Contact was to re-parse that CV. Now you have the ability to manually change / select the CV that is displayed on the Contact record. On the Experience tab of a Contact (Candidate) there is now a dropdown above the CV where you can change the displayed CV.




Find Candidate (Legacy Daxtra Search button) can now be hidden

58156 Hide old Daxtra Search button (Find Candidates) via config
WHAT You are now able to hide the Find Candidate button using the config HIDE_LEGACY_DAXTRA_SEARCH. This controls the visibility of the Find Candidate (Legacy Daxtra Search) button, e.g. Yes = hidden, No = visible.     
WHERE Globally in the Mercury and Mercury Admin apps on the Ribbons.    
HOW On load of any table on Sitemap  



DetailFV30 - DetailCS30 - DetailAP30 - DetailLC30 - DetailPC30 - DetailCV30 - DetailDX30