

Sometimes you will want to create a View based on any available Table in the Mercury database. This is absolutely fine to do, but unless the View that you create is easily accessible via one of the main sitemap menu items (i.e. Clients, Contacts, Vacancies, Agreements, Placements, etc), then to be able to get back to the View that you've just created, and be able to share it with colleagues, requires a slightly different method to the classic way of doing it if it had been created via one of the mainstream data focuses.



We will make the assumption that at this point, you have already created your required View, however, one key thing to note:

Ideally at the point of saving your newly created View, or retrospectively after having saved it, prefix the name of your View with the main data Table name that you used as the main data focus through which you created your View. This is important for a later step in this article. So for example, if you created your View via the Updates focus (i.e. one of many data entry points that do not appear as standard menu items in the main sitemap over in the ever-present far left menu panel in Mercury), then call your View, for example, UPDATES: Timeline Updates for Candidate Contacts

This will make it easier to find and identify all of your Views, otherwise you would need to remember under which data focus you created the View - you won't just be able to go by the general name that you've given your report, as sometimes there could be an obscure relationship between the name that you've given your report, and the actual data table focus that you used to create it under. The name of the data table that you used is the driver, therefore very important to display it in the name of the View, otherwise you could spend a long time trying to find the View that you need when trying to share it or when trying to add it to a Dashboard for example.

So the entry route in the software to use is:

New Advanced Find > click into the main Search bar that you see at the top of any Mercury page > click on 'Search for rows in a table using advanced filters' that appears at the bottom of the drop-down



Sharing your View

1. Click into the main Search bar that you will see at the top of any page in Mercury:


2. Click on Search for rows in a table using advanced filters that appears at the bottom of the resulting drop-down:


3.  Find the main data Table that you used to create your View under, by either browsing the list of available Tables, or by typing in the first few letters of the name of the Table, and click to select it:


4. Click Continue.


5. Click Cancel.


6. Click the small down-arrow to the right of the main view title, find your saved View in the drop-down and click on it:



7. Click the small down-arrow to the right of the name your View that you have just selected and click on Manage and share views:


8. Click on the 3 dots to the right of the View name and click on Share:



9. Find and select the Team or individual User(s) with whom you want to share your View:



10. Assign Read Only access if you don't want anybody else to be able to make changes to your View:



11. Click Share and the message below will appear when that's been done:

12.  Close down the Share records open window.


13. Close down the Manage and share views open window.


Deploying the Shared View to a Team or individual User(s)


14. Now while you are still in your View, copy the full URL that appears in your web browser address bar at the top of your screen, and send it to the Team or User(s) with whom you've just shared your View, and ask them to save it as a Favourite in their own web browser and advise them to make the name of the Favourite the exact same name that you've given your View - e.g. UPDATES: Timeline Updates for Candidate Contacts.


15. Then ask them to load & run the Favourite in a separate tab in their web browser to make sure that the View works for them. They can then have a separate browser tab open just for the View and be able to toggle between the View and the main Mercury CRM.

16. An alternative to step no.15 above, is to still load & run the Favourited View in a separate tab in their browser, but instead of having to run the View in a separate browser tab every time they need it, ask them to go to their main Mercury CRM homepage, and the View should appear over on the left of the screen in the main sitemap panel, towards the top of the list of menu items, under the menu item called Recent. If they run the View from there to make sure it works, then at that point they can use the Pin feature to pin the View to the Pinned section that appears just below the Recent section.  



Adding your View to a new or existing Dashboard

1. Home > Dashboards > + New Dynamics 365 Dashboard:


2. Choose a Layout and click Create:

3. Give the Dashboard an appropriate Name:


4. In the Dashboard tile that you want the View to be displayed in, click the Insert List icon:


5. Then in the Add Component pop-up window, select the Record Type - this is where you will need to know the data Table under which you created the View. That will then determine which Views are displayed in the View drop-down, where you will see your View under the My Views sub-heading:


6. Click Add, then Save the Dashboard and click Close.


To add the View to an existing Dashboard, or to change something in the new Dashboard that you've just created, find the Dashboard under Home > Dashboards and click Edit.

To Share Dashboards, again, find the Dashboard under Home > Dashboards and go to Share > Manage access: