Within Search, there are many terms to filter by. These are split into two groups: Search Groups and Filter Groups.
For this article we have accessed Search via the Contacts area.
Home > Contacts > Search > Mercury Search. Search opens with the Structured tab selected by default. All available options can be selected / unselected by clicking the + Add More Search Terms / Filters at the bottom of the window.
All terms (apart from Tags) are either in Search terms, or Filter terms. See the table below:
Search terms | Filter Terms |
Candidate Comments | Availability |
Current Client | Candidate Status |
Education | Created |
Employer | CV Last Received |
Job Title | Flags |
Keywords | Hotlist |
Latest Package | Last Application |
Nationality | Last Called |
Nationality (Free Text) | Last Contacted |
Owner | Location (Distance) |
Owning Consultant | Location (Free Text) |
Personal Email | Off Limits |
Personal Mobile | Salary |
Situation | |
Vacancy | |
Vacancy Shortlist Status | |
Tags | Tags |
Tags - used in both Search and Filter
Select from predetermined tags (set in the CRM) for data points such as Location, Work Status, Specialism, etc. Users must input at least two characters before the dropdown options appear for selection.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | AND function |
Data Type: | Lookup |
Example: This search will bring back Candidates who have the tags ‘Methodology > Agile’ AND ‘Specialism > CRM’.
Terms used in Search
Candidate Comments
Search for Candidates based on Candidate Comments. These are comments added in manually by a consultant, etc., and may include information on job history, responsibilities, personal qualities, or any other relevant information.
Phrase Matching: | Contains |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Free text |
Example: This search will bring back Candidates whose comments include IT OR adaptable.
Current Client
Search for Candidates based on the Current Client they are employed with. Users must input at least two characters before the dropdown options appear for selection.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Lookup |
Example: This search will bring back Candidates who are currently employed with Abercrombie & Fitch OR ASDA.
Select education by Level, Establishment, or both.
Phrase Matching: | Contains |
Default Operator: | OR |
Data Type: | Free text, lookup |
Example 1: Since there is a combination of education types, this search will bring back only Candidates who are an Exact match for having attended (Aston University OR Coventry University) AND have a degree level of Master of Science.
Example 2: Since there is only one education type used (Level), this search will bring back Candidates who have a Master of Laws OR a Master of Science OR Master’s degree. This search is set to Contains as to be less restrained with search results.
Search for Candidates based on Employer name. Additionally, utilize AI in suggesting synonymous employers to expand your search.
Phrase Matching: | Contains (not case sensitive) or Exact (case sensitive) |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Free text, lookup |
NOTE: To search for employers on a broader scale, hit enter after entering a search term. This brings back all Candidates with employers containing that term, instead of selecting multiple tick box results. These are distinguished from specific employer names by being within quotation marks.
Example 1: This search will bring back Candidates whose employer is/was Deutsche Bank OR whose employer name contains the term ‘finance’.
Example 2: This search will bring back Candidates whose employer is/was Apple. Additionally, AI is utilized in adding additional relevant related employers of 'Samsung Electronics' and 'Google', etc. As a visual indicator, the box drop-down box will turn pink when AI terms are selected. All options in the dropdown are automatically selected by default.
Job Title
Search current, past, or all job title(s). These can be exact job titles or partial text. Users must input at least two characters before the dropdown options appear for selection. Additionally, utilize AI in suggesting synonymous job titles to expand your search.
NOTE: To search for job titles on a broader scale, hit enter after entering a search term. This brings back all Candidates with job titles containing that term, instead of selecting many tick box lookup results. These are distinguished from specific job titles by being within quotation marks.
Phrase Matching: | Contains (not case sensitive) or Exact (case sensitive) |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Free text, lookup |
Example 1: This search will bring back Candidates whose jobs at any point (current or past) have included the terms ‘developer’ OR ‘full stack’ OR any job that contains Project Manager.
Example 2: This search will bring back Candidates whose current job is Accounts Manager OR at any point have been an Accounts Officer.
Example 3: This search will bring back Candidates who have a job title of 'Project manager'. Additionally, AI is utilized in adding additional relevant keywords of 'Program Coordinator' and 'Project Coordinator', etc. As a visual indicator, the box drop-down box will turn pink when AI terms are selected. All options in the dropdown are automatically selected by default.
A keyword can be anywhere in the indexed data, across every field in the Candidate record (including tags and CVs). This makes it a useful general search filter to return Candidates from a broader set of results across different fields. Additionally, utilize AI in suggesting synonymous keywords to expand your search.
Phrase Matching: | Contains (one word) or Exact (two or more words) |
Default Operator: | AND function |
Data Type: | Free text |
NOTE: Phase Matching will be Exact for keywords that contain more than one word, e.g. ‘test engineer’. Phrase Matching will be Contains for one-word keywords, e.g. tester.
Example 1: This search will bring back Candidates who have the keywords that contain ‘tester’ AND ‘agile’. I.e., returning Candidates with job titles of ‘Web Tester’, ‘System Tester’ etc. with ‘agile’ mentioned in their Work History, and Candidates with job titles of ‘Agile Project Manager’, ‘Agile Practitioner’ with ‘tester’ mentioned in their Work History.
Example 2: This search will bring back Candidates who have the keywords that are exact matches for ‘web developer’ AND ‘solution architect’. This is useful in searching for candidates that have current / past experience in specific roles.
Example 3: This search will bring back Candidates who have the keyword that contains 'management' AND have the keyword that is an exact match for 'team lead'. Additionally, AI is utilized in adding additional relevant keywords of 'Project Management' and 'Conflict Resolution'. As a visual indicator, the box drop-down box will turn pink when AI terms are selected. All options in the dropdown are automatically selected by default.
Latest Package
Search for Candidates based on their latest employment package. This can include salary, bonuses, car schemes, allowances, pensions, buy back schemes, etc.
Phrase Matching: | Contains |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Free text |
Example: This search will bring back Candidates whose latest packages include the term ‘car’ (which could encompass company car, car scheme, etc.) OR ‘medical’ (which could encompass medical cover, medical insurance, etc.)
Search for Candidates based on their nationality. Users must input at least two characters before the dropdown options appear for selection. An example of when to use this filter is when a Client/Vacancy cannot support work visas, so Candidates must be a citizen of the associated country.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Lookup |
Example: This search will bring back Candidates whose nationalities are either American OR German.
Nationality (free text)
Search for Candidates based on their nationality. An example of when to use this filter is when a Client/Vacancy cannot support work visas, so Candidates must be a citizen of the associated country.
Phrase Matching: | Contains |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Free text |
Example: This search will bring back Candidates whose nationalities are either French OR German OR Finnish.
Search for Candidates based on owner. The owner is the user who created the record, e.g. a resourcer or a recruiter. Users must input at least two characters before the dropdown options appear for selection.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Lookup |
Example: This search will bring back Candidates whose Owners are either John Smith OR Alice Cunningham.
Owning Consultant
Search for Candidates based on owning consultant. This can be any user who wants to link to or own the record. Users must input at least two characters before the dropdown options appear for selection.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Lookup |
Example: This search will bring back Candidates whose Owning Consultants are either Callum Jennings OR Anna Murphy.
Personal Email
Search for Candidates based on the personal email stored against their contact information.
Phrase Matching: | Contains |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Free text |
Example: This search will bring back Candidates whose emails contain either ‘@gmail.com’ OR ‘@outlook.com’.
Personal Mobile
Search for Candidates based on the personal mobile number stored against their contact information. Area codes are also allowed, e.g. +44, +49, etc.
Phrase Matching: | Contains |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Free text |
Example: This search will bring back Candidates whose mobile numbers contain ‘07’ OR ‘+44’.
Terms used in Filter
Search for Candidates based on availability of selected dates.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | AND function |
Data Type: | Date |
Format: | dd/mm/yyyy |
NOTE: You can also toggle Excluding Candidates on active Placements to return more refined results, which uses an AND function.
Example 1: This search will bring back Candidates who are available On/Before 20/05/2024 AND are not on an active placement.
Example 2: This search will bring back Candidates who are available On/After 16/05/2028. Candidates on active placements are not excluded as the date is far in the future and may be detrimental to exclude those candidates in such a search.
Candidate Status
Search for Candidates based on their placement status. Users must input at least two characters before the dropdown options appear for selection.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Search Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Lookup |
Example: This search will bring back Candidates whose Status is ‘Never Placed’ OR ‘Previous Placement’.
Search for Candidates based on what date their Candidate record was created. There are three date options: On, Before, and After.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | AND function |
Data Type: | Date |
Format: | dd/mm/yyyy |
NOTE: The Before and After filters are not inclusive of the date selected. For example, if a contact was created on 10/03/24 the search dates needed to return it would need to be either: After 09/03/24, On 10/03/24, or Before 11/03/24.
Example 1: This search will bring back Candidates whose records were created On 15/04/2024.
Example 2: This search will bring back Candidates whose records created After 24/05/2024 AND Before 30/05/2024.
Therefore, only records created on dates 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, or 29th are returned. Note how these are dates one day either side of the dates in the filter.
CV Last Received
Search for Candidates based on what date CVs were last received. This filter is a great option to return Candidates who are recently open to work, e.g. where a Candidate has applied to a Vacancy (and therefore submitted their CV) in the last month. There are three date options: On, Before, and After.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | AND function |
Data Type: | Date |
Format: | dd/mm/yyyy |
NOTE: The Before and After filters are not inclusive of the date selected. For example, if a CV was last received on 10/03/24 the search dates needed to return it would need to be either: After 09/03/24, On 10/03/24, or Before 11/03/24.
Example 1: This search will bring back Candidates whose CVs last received After 22/02/2024. E.g. from 21/02/2024 onwards.
Example 2: This search will bring back Candidates whose CVs were last received After 09/04/2024 AND Before 12/04/2024.
Therefore, only records created on 10th or 11th are returned. Note how these are dates one day either side of the dates in the filter.
Search for Candidates based on Flags in relation to a specific vacancy. This option will only show up when Search is opened in the context of a Vacancy. The vacancy must be listed in the top navigation bar as seen below:
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Lookup |
NOTE: A Candidate can have a maximum of one Flag per Vacancy.
Example: This search will bring back Candidates flagged as ‘Potential’ OR ‘Other Agency’.
Search for Candidates based on what Hotlists they are in. Users must input at least two characters before the dropdown options appear for selection.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Lookup |
Example: This search will bring back Candidates who are in hotlists “O&G PMs in Aberdeen” OR “Senior PMs – Software (5 years experience plus)”.
Last Application
Search for Candidates based on what date applications occurred to any vacancy. This filter assists in showing when Candidates were last actively looking and applying to jobs. There are three date options: On, Before, and After.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | AND function |
Data Type: | Date |
Format: | dd/mm/yyyy |
NOTE: The Before and After filters are not inclusive of the date selected. For example, if the last application of a Candidate was received on 10/03/24, the search dates needed to return it would need to be either: After 09/03/24, On 10/03/24, or Before 11/03/24.
Example 1: This search will bring back Candidates whose last applications were Before 01/11/2023. E.g. from 31/10/2023 and previously.
Example 2:
This search will bring back Candidates whose last applications were After 09/04/2024 AND Before 12/04/2024.
Therefore, only applications submitted on 10th or 11th are returned. Note how these are dates one day either side of the dates in the filter.
Last Called
Search for Candidates based on date last contacted by telephone. There are three date options: On, Before, and After.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | AND function |
Data Type: | Date |
Format: | dd/mm/yyyy |
NOTE: The Before and After filters are not inclusive of the date selected. For example, if a Candidate was last called on 10/03/24, the search dates needed to return it would need to be either: After 09/03/24, On 10/03/24, or Before 11/03/24.
Example 1: This search will bring back Candidates were last called On 01/05/2024.
Example 2: This search will bring back Candidates last called After 09/04/2024 AND Before 12/04/2024.
Therefore, only calls on 10th or 11th are returned. Note how these are dates one day either side of the dates in the filter.
Last Contacted
Search for Candidates based by date last contacted. There are three date options: On, Before, and After. Contact types include phone calls and emails.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | AND function |
Data Type: | Date |
Format: | dd/mm/yyyy |
NOTE: The Before and After filters are not inclusive of the date selected. For example, if a Candidate was last contacted on 10/03/24, the search dates needed to return it would need to be either: After 09/03/24, On 10/03/24, or Before 11/03/24.
Example 1: This search will bring back Candidates last contacted After 06/08/2023. E.g. from 07/08/2024 onwards.
Example 2: This search will bring back Candidates last contacted After 09/04/2024 AND Before 12/04/2024.
Therefore, only Candidates contacted on 10th or 11th are returned. Note how these are dates one day either side of the dates in the filter.
Location (Distance)
Select location by distance from a city, county, or country. Either Town/City or Postcode/ZIP is required to add a location. Distance is measured by mile radius from the given location(s).
Phrase Matching: | Contains |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Free text (Town/City, County, State, Postcode/ZIP Code). Lookup (Country). |
NOTE: You can also toggle Include Candidates willing to relocate to return more results, which uses an OR function.
Example: This search will bring back Candidates who are within a 20-mile radius of Brighton OR within a 50-mile radius of Manchester OR are willing to relocate.
Location (Free Text)
Select locations to search by geographical area, and further specify by home address, education, work history, and mentions of locations in candidate comments. Additionally, see How to discover Locations in Mercury Search.
Phrase Matching: | Contains |
Default Operator: | OR function between each 'Included Field' per location searched: City, County, State, Country, Education Establishment, Candidate Comments. OR function between each separate location type. |
Data Type: | Free text |
NOTE: You can also include Include Candidates willing to relocate to return more results. This can be toggled in the Location (Free Text) field, or dragged and dropped into Filter Groups.
Example 1: When entering any location type, the default options selected are: City, (OR) County, (OR) State, (OR) Country. A minimum of one field must be selected for each location searched.
Within City, County and Country, there is another dropdown, where Home Address is selected by default. The other two options are: Education and Work History.
Example 2: This search will bring back Candidates who have Belfast mentioned as a City (searching for Home Address), OR Armagh mentioned as a City or County (searching by Home Address or Work History), OR where Cork is mentioned as an education establishment. Additionality in this example, the toggle for including Candidates willing to relocate is left off.
Off Limits
Exclude Candidates from a search based on specific off limit reasons.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Lookup |
NOTE: To exclude all Candidates who are off-limits for any reason, toggle the Exclude all Candidates who are off limits button.
Example: This search will bring back Candidates where the off-limits reasons are either ‘Non-Poaching Agreement’ OR ‘Contractual Obligation’.
Search for Candidates based on job type information and salaries/rates.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | AND function between job type and salary/rate. OR function between salary/rate amount when filtered by ‘All’. |
Data Type: | Free text |
NOTE: The set Minimum/Maximum amounts for Permanent roles is by annual salary, the set Minimum/Maximum amounts for Contract or Temporary roles is by rate.
Example 1: This search will bring back Candidates in a Permanent role AND have a Current annual salary of between 28,000 and 60,000 (in set currency).
Example 2: This search will bring back Candidates looking for a Contract role AND have an Expected Low rate of between 500 and 800 (in set currency).
Example 3: This search will bring back Candidates that are looking for a Temporary role AND have a Current OR Expected Low OR Expected High rate of between 600 and 1000 (in set currency).
Search for Candidates based on whereabouts they are in their job search. Users must input at least two characters before the dropdown options appear for selection.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Lookup |
Example: This search will bring back Candidates whose situation is either Actively Looking OR At Interview.
Search for Candidates based on vacancy information. Search by vacancy title, vacancy reference code, hiring manager, or client. Additionally, per vacancy, further specify to view applicants, shortlisted candidates, or both.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Lookup |
NOTE: Vacancies must be manually selected from the search results. Bulk results cannot be automatically displayed with this filter.
Example 1:
- This search will bring back a list of Vacancies where the hiring manager is Michelle Perkins.
- One or more vacancies can be selected. In this example, 'Building Surveyor' and 'Project Engineer' are selected.
- Within each selected vacancy. you can further refine results by stage: Shortlisted, Applicants, or both. In this example, this will return those who have reached a shortlist status for the Building Surveyor vacancy, and both shortlisted and applicants for the Project Engineer vacancy.
Example 2: This search will bring back Vacancies where ‘Engineer’ is relevant. Notice that the first result has ‘engineer’ in the vacancy title, the second result has ‘Engineering’ in the client’s name.
Vacancy Shortlist Status
Search for Candidates based on shortlist status within a set date period.
Phrase Matching: | Exact |
Default Operator: | OR function |
Data Type: | Free text (numerical) and lookup (shortlist status) |
Example: This search will bring back Candidates in the past 3 months that have reached the status of ‘Submitted’ OR ‘Client Shortlisted’.