This article is to support Customers evaluate the new Consultant Dashboard via this dedicated Mercury Community forum:
Prototype image #1
Prototype image #2
Prototype image #3 > Vacancy info drill-through
Prototype image #4 > Placement info drill-through
Additional context for the images above
Here is a list of the key measures/flags to provide more detail and allow you to better understand the context of the images above:
New Measures include:
- Days to Fill > the average number of days from Vacancy position creation to that position resulting in a Placement.
- Fill Rate > % of Vacancy positions created that resulted in a Placement.
- Placements ending - No activity > a count of Placements ending in the next 6 weeks from today, where no subsequent extension is in place, and Candidate's CV has not been submitted for any other Vacancies, and no other Interviews arranged for them.
- Placements ending - In Progress > a count of Placements ending in the next 6 weeks from today, where no subsequent extension is in place, but Candidate's CV has been submitted for at least one other Vacancy or has an Interview arranged
- Interviews scheduled > any Interview (First, Further or Final) this Consultant has in the next 6 weeks from today.
Important Item flags include:
- Perm Vacancy with no CVs submitted in first 7 calendar days since creation.
- Contract/Temp Vacancy with no CVs submitted in first 3 calendar days since creation.
- Perm Vacancy with no Interviews arranged in first 14 days since Vacancy creation.
- Contract/Temp Vacancy with no Interviews arranged in first 7 days since Vacancy creation.
- Perm Placement starting in next 6 weeks where no Candidate call has been made in last 31 days.
- New Client Contacts added where no Client call has been made in first 14 days since creation.
- New Candidate added this month with no CV submissions or Interviews arranged.