

The Consultant Dashboard gives a high-level overview across all stages of recruitment. View placements and vacancies metrics, right down to client and candidate phone calls, all in one place. This is a key dashboard for managing day-to-day activities with clear calls to action. 

View 6 dials from a list of 15 KPI targets, ‘Upcoming’ placement information, Vacancy Info, Placement Info, and Business Development

Users can utilise this dashboard in day-to-day working – it is designed to be a starting platform for tracking potential next actions, or to see and follow up on any set targets. 


Report highlights

Dials display individual performance against personal targets for the Consultant. 

Includes Consultant’s all-time numbers and ratios for the recruitment process funnel, from Vacancies right through to Placements with easy-to-read dials. These targets can be customized across a list of 15 KPIs that can be swapped in and out as desired by the user.  

A streamlined interface keeps the main dashboard uncluttered, displaying only essential information while allowing users to click through to drill-through tables for detailed data as needed.


Who it's for

Aimed at anyone in a consultancy position who needs to monitor and action on individual performance against set targets.


Summary of Dashboard 

1 Vacancy Fill data  including comparison to last calendar month’s performance. 
2 For each KPI, the date Frequency and associated Target are displayed.
3 Current Progress-to-Target (percentage) and Actual performance (numerical) are displayed with each dial - these light up and continue beyond 100% for over-performance.
4 Upcoming activities in the next 6 weeks across ending placements, scheduled interviews, new permanent starters, and new business placements. 
5 Placement Info across active placements and associated gross profit (perm, contract, and temp). Values are also given a split percentage view between permanent and contract/temp placements. 
6 Vacancy Info focusing on active vacancy stage data: requiring submissions, at submitted stage, at interview stage, and at offer stage. Values are also given a split percentage view of vacancies across those stages. 
7 Business Development across clients and contacts in the current month. This includes calls, appointments, and spec sends created, and any new clients, client contacts, or candidates added into Mercury. NOTE: Drill-throughs will be added to the Business Dev section early 2025.


Report summary

The Consultant Dashboard shows key metrics across all areas of the recruitment process. 

  • At a glance, see all time numbers and percentage for overall fill rate, and personalised KPI targets in colourful dials.
  • Target achievement: Six dials display progress up to, and over, 100% for key targets such as CVs submitted, and vacancies added.
  • Upcoming activity: Table highlighting activities in the next 6 weeks, including placements ending and scheduled interviews.
  • Placement Info: Overview of active placements and gross profit. 
  • Vacancy Info: Details on active vacancies, including those requiring submissions, at interview stage, and at offer stage.
  • Business Development: Metrics on new clients or candidates added, and the number of calls or appointments made across the current calendar month.


Glossary of terms for Dashboard 


  • Days to Fill - the number of days it takes for a Vacancy to become a Placement with a Candidate. 

  • Fill Rate - A count of the number of positions (excluding cancelled vacancies) that were created before the max date for the current month, and divides by the count of vacancies (excluding cancelled placements) that have started where they were created before the max date for the current month.  This will exclude any placements that were created without a vacancy. The fill rate is then compared to the equivalent for the period up to the end of the previous month.

  • Placement ending – No Activity - a count of placements having an end date, where no subsequent extension is in place, candidate's CV has not been submitted for any other vacancies and has no other interviews arranged for that candidate, and has not been shortlisted for any other vacancies.

  • Placement ending - In Progress - a count of placements having an end date in next 6 weeks from today's date, no subsequent extension is in place, but candidate's CV has been submitted for at least one other vacancy or has an interview arranged, or has been shortlisted for a vacancy.

  • New Business Placements – first placements made with a new Client. 

  • Gross Profit - the total of Placement Gross Profit normalised, based on base currency amount. 


Summary of drill-through: Interviews Scheduled

Key information:

1 Click the eye icon to open the Vacancy record within the Mercury CRM.
2 Within the interview data columns (First / Further / Final Interview Scheduled) white text indicates interviews that have already taken place in the past. Green text indicates upcoming interviews; which will be the number on the front page.


Summary of drill-through: Active Placements

Key information:

1 Click the eye icon to open the Placement record within the Mercury CRM.
2 Use columns Flag or Comments to view placements where action is required. Note that if there is more than one comment (e.g. "1st Placement at New Client" and "Starts Next 6 Weeks - No Call") there will only be one Flag created.
3 To filter down only placements where action is required, click Yes under Needs Attention? 


Summary of drill-through: Active Vacancies

Key information:

1 Click the eye icon to open the Vacancy record within the Mercury CRM.
2 Use columns Flag or Comments to view placements where action is required. Note that if there is more than one comment (e.g. "No CVs in First 3 Days" and "No Interviews in First 7 Days") there will only be one Flag created.
3 To filter down only placements where action is required, click Yes under Needs Attention? 


Summary of drill-through: All Starters

Key information:

1 Click the eye icon to open the Placement record within the Mercury CRM.
2 Use columns Flag or Comments to view placements where action is required. Note that if there is more than one comment (e.g. "No CVs in First 3 Days" and "No Interviews in First 7 Days") there will only be one Flag created.
3 To filter down only placements where action is required, click Yes under Needs Attention?