
Mercury v32 Itemised Release Notes 
Please see below an itemised list of items that are released as part of version 32 of Mercury. 
Please note – in the initial release notes we mentioned some upcoming improvements to the email editor. During testing we identified an issue with this and so we will not be releasing this as part of v32. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and will keep you up to date with progress.  


Client 'Accounts Contact' to default as 'Invoice contact' on associated placements 

What: The client's 'Accounts Contact' should default as the 'Invoice Contact' on associated placements. 
Where: Mercury → Recruit → Recruitment → Placements 
How: This happens when manually creating a placement by clicking the New button or when a placement is created by accepting a shortlist.  


Hide +New button on Placements 

What: The +New button on a placement's home, subgrid and form ribbon can be hidden by giving a user a security role. 
Where: Placement home, subgrid and form. 
How: Assign a user the “Mercury - Cannot Create New Placement” security role 


Follow option added for placement 

What: What: User can follow/unfollow Placement records and same can be viewed from Placements I Follow and & Placements Being Followed  
Where: Placement Form and Grid Ribbon  
How: User can click on follow button to follow a Placement and click on unfollow button to unfollow a Placement 


Placement Extension Process - Additional Field - Finance Account Ref field 

What: The Finance Account Reference field on a placement will now copy its value to a cloned/extended placement. If this field is blank on the placement, it will copy the value from the placement's client's Finance Account Reference field. If this field is excluded from the exclude clone/extend configs, then this field will never copy over to a cloned/extended placement.  
Where: Placement form ribbon - Clone button or Extension button 
How: Click the buttons to copy the values over or set the field in the desired configs below to make sure it doesn't copy over: 


Config PREVENT_PLACEMENT_EDIT_AT_STATUS >Leave not locked: Actual End date and Likely to Extend 


The following fields are now unlocked on a placement when used in conjunction with the PREVENT_PLACEMENT_EDIT_AT_STATUS config 

  • Actual End Date 
  • Likely to Extend 
  • Candidate Docs Issued 
  • Candidate Docs Received 
  • Client Docs Issued 
  • Client Docs Received 
Where: Placement UCI form 
How: Add the status - PREVENT_PLACEMENT_EDIT_AT_STATUS. The fields above are unlocked at the status 


Finalised Button not visible on the form 

What: Within a Placement Validation the Finalised toggle is no longer viewable. Instead there is a new Finalised ribbon button.  
Where: Placement Validation 
How: Finalised ribbon button shows 


Email on submit 

What: Users now have the ability to email the Hiring Manager when Submitting a Candidate via 'Update'  
Where: Shortlist form Update button in ribbon - Submit 
How: When opening the Submit page, there is now a toggle called Send CV by Email. Setting this to true will open the Email Editor when clicking the Confirm button. 


Search for an Interviewer 

What: Added the ability to search for an Interviewer. Client Contacts from the Client will be shown first then any associated Client Contacts from within the hierarchy. Shown in alphabetical order 
Where: Shortlist Update Interview/Reschedule Interview 
How: Search for the interviewer from the form 


Phone Number shown in Interview 

What: Made the Phone number as dropdown 
Where: Shortlist Update Interview/Reschedule Interview  
How: By fetching the Personal Phone and Mobile from the candidate on the shortlist. Users can now either Select a Phone Number from the Candidate, if one exists or type in a Phone Number 


Turn Off 'Progress Candidate'  

What:  You now have the ability to decide they show or hide  the 'Progress Candidate' button 
Where: Shortlist Form Ribbon, Associate Grid Ribbon and Home Grid ribbon button 
How: Depending on the method you choose, the Progress candidate button will either show or not.  


Software fixes 

Here is a list of fixes we’ve put in place in Mercury v32. 


Contact not hierarchy (New Placement Form) 

The Invoice/Paperwork Contact was previously not working as expected on Mercury Placement Form with users unable to select a Client Contact from within the Client hierarchy. This has now been resolved.  


Commission Split Lines - Vacancy progressed to Placement, Fee/GP Amount not updating 

When a temp or contract Vacancy was progressed to Placement, active Commission Split Lines copy to the Placement but Fee/GP Amount = 0 and End Date was also blank. Even when this was populated, the Commission Split Lines did not update with the True Gross Profit in the Fee/GP Amount column, therefore calculations did not occur so Split Total and Split Total Percentage remained at 0. This has now been resolved. 


Calculated Values not updating when Placement Extended 

Extending a Temp or Contract Placement did not always recalculate Calculated Values for the new duration stipulated, instead it retained values from the original Placement. This has now been changed so that the Calculated Values recalculate on the Extension, taking into consideration the Start and End dates 


Placement V2 form - States filter not working correctly 

An error was identified where the Mercury Placement form displayed random states under the state field when Country US is selected. This has now been resolved.  



Placement Rates are copied from original Placement on extended Placements 

When extending a Placement the 'Rates' had a Start Date from the original Placement and so when checking the “Placement Rate” on extended Placements the dates, pay, etc are the same as the original Placement. Now the Placement Rates are taken from the Start Date of the new extended Placement 


Shortlist Gross Profit not Calculating for Fixed / Staged 

An error meant that Gross Profit was not calculating automatically on Shortlist or Placement when ‘Fee Based On’ field was ‘Fixed’ or ‘Staged’. This has now been resolved 


Placement Status Flow failing 

The Placement Status flow was failing due to an error. This has now been resolved.  


Activity Grid not preserving selected environment Phone Calls 

There was an error where the new Activity Grid was showing error screens / no Phone Calls for certain Individuals. This has now been resolved. 


Upload CV button appearing when it shouldn't 

We identified an issue where the Ribbon Button for on-demand parsing was appearing when it should not have. This has now been resolved.  



Latest Source on Contact not being updated new application is created 

Previously the “Latest Source” field on contact records was not updated when emails received from subsequent sources i.e. an application. This has now been resolved. 


Compliance Statuses for Offboarding are created incorrectly where no Agreement exists 

Where a Compliance Criterion is set to "Client Specifiable?" and "Yes" it should only be applied to Placements that have an Agreement AND that Agreement is included in the Compliance Criterion 
For Offboarding Compliance Criterion, if Client Specifiable is set to "Yes", it results in Compliance Statuses getting created for all placements without an Agreement. This has now been resolved. 


Country not showing on Contact Address 

We have fixed an issue that when opening an Address for a Contact, Country was not showing 


Vacancy Currency

Previously, when changing the main Currency on the Vacancy, the hidden Currency fields, Gross Profit Currency, for example was not updated. This has now been resolved.  


Standard Rate Type not updating on Placement Extension 

We identified an issue where when a Placement was extended and a different Extension standard rate had been selected in the Extension modal, the Extended Placement still had the Standard Rate Type from the original Placement and not the one selected in the extension modal. This has now been resolved. 


Mercury Assist – icons 

We have created a range of new icons that you will soon start to see appear in Mercury Assist. These are designed to help you easily identify where there is additional support available for you to access directly in the Mercury Platform. 

NOTE: These icons are functionally aligned when the Power Platform New look function in Mercury is ON; if the New look function is Off, then the icons will sit slightly askew. 

A screenshot of a video camera<br><br>Description automatically generated 

This shows that there is a smart walk-through available which will take you step by step through a particular area of Mercury.


A screenshot of a video camera<br><br>Description automatically generated 

This indicates that there is a video that will show you more information about a particular feature or function within Mercury.


A screenshot of a video camera<br><br>Description automatically generated 

This shows that there is an article that supports this part of Mercury. You can view this to find out more information. 


A screenshot of a video camera<br><br>Description automatically generated 

This indicates that this is a new item or feature enhancement within Mercury. 



Important Additional information for Mercury System Admins 

If you are a Mercury System Admin of an organisation using bespoke customisations, please see the additional information here.