
Document Generation > Standard Merge Fields

NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.

These fields are to be used for Document Generation with the Standard Mercury Doc Gen query.

The Placement Entity list contains the fields from the Placement record.

The Linked Entity lists contain fields from the Related records.


To add the Job Title of the Client Contact you would add <<Job Title>> from Linked Contact (b)

See the Merge Fields attachment at the bottom of this article for the full interactive list of Merge Codes.
Below is a static list for reference only.



Display Name

Placement Entity




<<Candidate Address 1>>

Candidate Address 1

<<Candidate Address 2>>

Candidate Address 2

<<Candidate Address 3>>

Candidate Address 3

<<Candidate Address Town/City>>

Candidate Address Town/City

<<Candidate Address County>>

Candidate Address County

<<Candidate Address Country>>

Candidate Address Country

<<Candidate Address Postcode>>

Candidate Address Postcode

<<Candidate Company>>

Candidate Company



<<Candidate Correspondence Address 1>>

Candidate Correspondence Address 1

<<Candidate Correspondence Address 2>>

Candidate Correspondence Address 2

<<Candidate Correspondence Address 3>>

Candidate Correspondence Address 3

<<Candidate Correspondence Address City/Town>>

Candidate Correspondence Address City/Town

<<Candidate Correspondence Address County>>

Candidate Correspondence Address County

<<Candidate Correspondence Address PostCode>>

Candidate Correspondence Address PostCode

<<Candidate Correspondence Address Country>>

Candidate Correspondence Address Country



<<Client Name>>

Client Name

<<Client Contact>>

Client Contact

<<Client Address Name>>

Client Address Name

<<Client Address 1>>

Client Address 1

<<Client Address 2>>

Client Address 2

<<Client Address 3>>

Client Address 3

<<Client Address Town/City>>

Client Address Town/City

<<Client Address County>>

Client Address County

<<Client Address PostCode>>

Client Address PostCode

<<Client Address Country>>

Client Address Country





<<Client Site Address Name>>

Client Site Address Name

<<Client Site Address 1>>

Client Site Address 1

<<Client Site Address 2>>

Client Site Address 2

<<Client Site Address 3>>

Client Site Address 3

<<Client Site Town / City>>

Client Site Town / City

<<Client Site PostCode>>

Client Site PostCode

<<Client Site County>>

Client Site County

<<Client Site Country>>

Client Site Country





<<Registered Address Name>>

Registered Address Name

<<Registered Address Street 1>>

Registered Address Street 1

<<Registered Address Street 2>>

Registered Address Street 2

<<Registered Address Street 3>>

Registered Address Street 3

<<Registered Address Town/City>>

Registered Address Town/City

<<Registered Address County>>

Registered Address County

<<Registered Address PostCode>>

Registered Address PostCode

<<Registered Address Country>>

Registered Address Country





<<Invoice contact>>

Invoice contact

<<Invoice Address Name>>

Invoice Address Name

<<Invoice Address 1>>

Invoice Address 1

<<Invoice Address 2>>

Invoice Address 2

<<Invoice Address 3>>

Invoice Address 3

<<Invoice Address Town/City>>

Invoice Address Town/City

<<Invoice Address County>>

Invoice Address County

<<Invoice Address PostCode>>

Invoice Address PostCode

<<Invoice Address Country>>

Invoice Address Country



<<Client Rate (Base)>>

Client Rate (Base) (temporary placement)

<<Client project>>

Client project



<<Candidate Rate (Base)>>

Candidate Rate (Base) (temporary placement)




Placement (GUID)

<<Job Title>>

Job Title

<<Created On>>

Created On

<<Start Date>>

Start Date

<<Original End Date>>

Original End Date

<<Actual End Date>>

Actual End Date

<<Special Instructions>>

Special Instructions

<<Special Instructions Client>>

Special Instructions Client

<<Paperwork contact>>

Paperwork contact


PlacementID E.g 000001/00/11



<<Number of Weeks>>

Number of Weeks

<<Number of Days>>

Number of Days

<<Number of Hours>>

Number of Hours

<<Number of Months>>

Number of Months

<<Notice Candidate>>

Notice Candidate

<<Notice Client>>

Notice Client







<<Days Per Week>>

Days Per Week





<<Charge Currency>>

Charge Currency



<<Pay Currency>>

Pay Currency



<<Margin Value>>

Margin Value

<<Total Estimated Pay>>

Total Estimated Pay

<<Candidate Paperwork Issued>>

Candidate Paperwork Issued

<<User Field 1>>

User Field 1

<<User Field 2>>

User Field 2

<<User Field 3>>

User Field 3

<<User Field 4>>

User Field 4

<<EAA Opt Out>>

EAA Opt Out





Linked Candidate Company (a)




<<VAT No>>


<<Registered No>>

Registered No

<<Registered Addr Line 1>>

Registered Addr Line 1

<<Registered Addr Line 2>>

Registered Addr Line 2

<<Registered Addr Line 3>>

Registered Addr Line 3

<<Registered Addr City>>

Registered Addr City

<<Registered Addr County>>

Registered Addr County

<<Registered Addr Post Code>>

Registered Addr Post Code

<<Registered Addr Country Text>>

Registered Addr Country Text





<<Company Type>>

Company Type



Linked Contact (b)




<<Job Title>>

Job Title

<<Mobile Phone>>

Mobile Phone

<<Business Phone>>

Business Phone

<<Email Address>>

Email Address





Linked Client (c)




<<Company Registration Number>>

Company Registration Number

<<Payment Terms>>

Payment Terms

<<x DNU Contract Restrictions/Requirements>>

x DNU Contract Restrictions/Requirements

<<Additional Information1>>

Additional Information 1

<<Additional Information2>>

Additional Information 2

<<Additional Information3>>

Additional Information 3



Linked Candidate (d)




<<Candidate Company>>

Candidate Company

<<Date of Birth>>

Date of Birth



<<Email (Work)>>

Email (Work)

<<First Name>>

First Name





<<Owning Consultant>>

Owning Consultant





<<Telephone (Home)>>

Telephone (Home)





Linked User (e)




<<Primary Email>>

Primary Email



<<Full Name>>

Full Name

<<Main Phone>>

Main Phone





Linked Engagement (f)




<<Original Start Date>>

Original Start Date



Linked Vacancy (g)


<<End Client>>

End Client

<<End Contact>>

End Contact





Related Attachments (1)