

Within Mercury it is possible to clone a Placement, and also chose which fields to exclude from the cloned Placement. A main benefit of cloned Placements is that they can already contain key information, saving users time if a Placement needs to be amended in a slightly different way.



Home > Placements > select a Placement > Ribbon bar > Clone



1. After clicking Clone, a new modal window will open. The only information that can be edited in this window are payment terms. A verification window appears before any changes to the cloned Vacancy are finalised. 

NOTE: For Temporary Placements this modal window does not show.

  • For Contract Placements: Pay and Charge


  • For Permanent Placements: Salary and Package Value


2. Once a Placement is cloned, a pop-up window with a hyperlink to the cloned placement appears.

NOTE: After the Placement is cloned, the modal window must be closed manually. 



Original vs. Cloned Placement Information

Compared to the original Placement, the new, cloned Placement, will have changed information. 

NOTE: None of the information in the original Placement changes when it is cloned. 

  1. Placement ID
  2. Placement Status / Status Reason (resets to Pending regardless of original Placement status) - will have to be revalidated. See Placement Validation for more information. 
  3. Payment terms (updated in Clone modal window).



Excluding Fields on a Placement

NOTE: The instructions in this section of the article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.

Alongside cloning a Placement, users are now be able to set which fields are not copied to the new Placement. This is done via a new Configuration setting entitled EXCLUDE_FIELDS_CLONE_PLACEMENT found in the configuration folder. This will allow users to decide which fields are not copied over to the cloned Placement. Within the Configuration setting, the Value – String field has to include all the fields the user wishes to exclude

Once the Placement is cloned the Tags on the original version will continue to be transferred across.


Please note the list of fields that are unable to be excluded:

  • Clone
  • Standard Rate Type
  • Frequency
  • Pay
  • Charge
  • Salary
  • Currency
  • Package Value
  • Auto-calculated Values (recalculated automatically)
  • User Fields




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